A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

I'm still pretty surprised none of these award thingies saw fit to recognize Jennifer Hudson this year. I mean, hate on the screenplay of Chi-Raq all you want, but not reconizing Hudson for her performance in it is some cold shit.

Casting a black actor to play your dignified elder authority figure: cool!
Killing off your dignified elder authority figure: can be cool!
Combining both, repeatedly: not so cool.

And it's only Coat Guy, and the man who abandoned his kid and lost his family and just expressed how fucked up and angry he is that she really gets on her side, if I recall.

It gives us license to mock and despise her, but that's not the same as directly mocking and despising her. They've been presenting us, since episode 1, with the internal life of a character who's both horribly abrasive and downright horrible to the people around her, behaving chaoticly after a terrible trauma, who

Everyone likes to rag on Robyn. I ultimately really appreciated her. Jessica Jones, for me, falls into the category of stories whose potency comes from the empathy they build in (hopefully some of) the audience for difficult people, and she's the most extreme example of that.

I feel like the indigenous fauna in Australia was God trying to tell colonizers to maybe leave this one alone.

Did you read the Master of Kung Fu Secret Wars mini? It had a really fun role for Danny in a Shang-Chi centered story/world.

Lovong Jessica Jones. Especially finding Jessica's struggle with what to do with Kilgrave pretty compelling. I can't strictly say I've been with abusive men, but I've been in relationships with men that made me unable to trust my feelings as "true" or "mine" for months after their ending. Jessica's just unable to

Looks like all the relatives who married into my mom's side of the family are going to be insufferable for a year or two again. Thanks, Nia Vardalos.

I always took her more positive aspects as playing into her and Iron Town as symbols of progress. Progress means the march of industry, despoiling the natural world. Progress also means the social progress that cares for the sick and offers the chance of a better life for the marginalized.

If anything, them kicking out her special-Ness from under her at this point (roughly the end of act 2) only makes me more certain we're stuck with Grace until the end. This just recontextualizes her—she's not the daughter of the tub girl, on a crusade to fix the institution that failed her mother any more—that's the

Hopefully Boone's reentrance means MORE CHAD RADWELL. A villainous queer gaze on him is what you promised me, and I better fucking get it.

And Morgause five feet to the left of her, silently fuming because she knows she's more interesting than either of those basic ass bitches (I think Morgan's more fun, and more up this show's alley when Morgause takes the brunt of the gendered villainy on).

That cracked me up. She's so goddamned deranged and delightful.

That was the most life I've ever seen from Jennifer Morrison. It was pretty great.

Too diminutive.

I'd bet MacFarlane would be great as Hill, actually. They should do that.

Paper Girls 2 - I was on board before, this doesn't change that (I think I'm in love with Cliff Chiang). Nice to see the emotional world it's building seems as rich as the high concept.

It's part of the reason I'm so pleased with Omega Men. Kyle gets to be an actual damn character whose mental state can't be summed up with "Kyle's hopeful action gains him the power of Hope! +2 to dexterity."

I never got the appeal of the emotional spectrum in Johns's run. It took a really pliable metaphor that writers were able to do all sorts of interesting stuff with, and rendered it as inert as a subpar Shonen Jump premise.