A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

Careful with that joke, it's an antique.

A Tarantino Dirty Harry deconstruction would be amazing.

Hakeem'll want nothing to do with her once he finds out, and Lucious'll have a hell of a thing to hang over both of them.

Exactly. Unions are good, they protect people who do jobs. People who perform jobs with a high degree of responsibility deserve that sort of protection. But it's far too easy for unions of people with high-responsibility jobs to start protecting their members from that responsibility, as the FOP has demonstrated over


Totally fair—I didn't mean to suggest she wasn't playing the hell out of what she was given, just that she was given far too little.

It's their modus operendi. They'll be the most prominent opponents to any sort of reform, best we get used to their faces now.

I'm just glad they seem to have committed to giving Ming-Na Wen chances to actually act now, instead of just stoically flying the plane and delivering coup di graces.


That the seeming majority of police share the twisted "brotherhood" rhetoric and point of view on whistle blowers (namely, that those fucking snitches gonna get it) that hardened gang members have is fucking terrifying. The "thin blue line" needs to be erased with extreme prejudice.

I once read a book by the former Seattle police chief who fell on the sword after the WTO riots. It was a pretty illuminating read, and sometimes shocking in how sweeping and strident (and borne out over as accurate the course of the past year. I read it pre-Ferguson and the increased level of awareness) its

Other ABC shows weren't created/run by two fellas who cut their teeth working on it and lean heavily on its style and episodal script structure without approaching anything like its content or level of commitment and care. I like this stupid show too, but it's trash.

You'd think they'd want to steer the audience away from noticing the ways they crudely ape Lost.

If anything, it maybe provides context for Glen's survival. If he just went through THAT (and we, as the audience, went through whatever we went through) because he valued Nicholas's life…

I'm LOVING ODY-C thus far. The romantic in me wants to say there's some of Euripides's Helen in the current arc as well.

If you combine the cost of cleaning supplies and the value of time lost to cleanup, buying all the eggs in may just be more cost efficient.

But a more accurate metaphor wouldn't be a rebooted Scooby Doo, it'd be a Scrappy Doo show (in some alternate universe where we don't all hate Scrappy). If Velma were showing up there as the link to the old Mystery Inc. gang, you might expect her to have changed a bit.

It's also been true that they often don't look up to the task at the start of an election cycle. Remember how dire last time was looking before Fey came back to do Palin? Casting McKinnon/(Killam for now) at least centers two of their best performers.

If they follow the comic (which in one case they probably won't and in one they definitely will), then she beds both Paul Rudd and Mike Colter.

Yeah, the retirement of actors from these comic movies, with the shared universes they'be built, is a good chance to make legacies and second-Gen heroes iconic. When Jackman wants out, do X-23. When Evans wants out, take your pick of Mackie or Stan to step up. When Ruffalo's done, introduce Amadeus Cho (or Jennifer