A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

It's kinda My First Leather Pet Peeve.

While I think you're right that it's gonna make a snowball effect for the season, i also kinda saw it as a continuation of the previous episode. After basically a full episode of targeting the far right (Trump and his terrible rhetoric in particular), Kyle starts to get up and speechify about the real problem being

I thought the blatantly corrupt nature of the opening concert actually played nicely with one of Eleanor's best lines from The Lion In Winter (which I also think Empire engages with more than even people who know the play seem to acknowlege; that final Cookie/Jamal bit was wonderfully Eleanor and Richard):

Several of the people killed by cops in the past year were well employed or came from well off families. Sandra Bland comes to mind. And I'll need a second to source, but I think I remember reading a thing about Bernie saying precisely that in response to the interruption at Netroots.

I'm seeing a both a lot of impressive and a lot of ugly. The coolest has been seeing people in the Seattle theater community (intiman specifically) who worked with Mara Willaford speaking up in defense of her character. A line of old white ladies praising her conviction, dedication and intelligence was pretty

Fun fact! She's rather young, and her parents were Palin supporters! Young people often break from their parents' political views around that time!

I think that's a result of mixing signals on the truth that economic issues and racial justice are parallel issues—until very recently (like, the hiring of Symone Sanders and her changing his mind on the issue recently) Sanders and his campaign were happy to treat economic and racial justice as so intertwined that

That doesn't mean we can't use reminders when an urgent situation faces a minority that we're not a part of. Sanders didn't have a platform that addressed the concerns of a segment of the population he should really be courting. Now he does.

She HAS to. She can't be anybody else!

I also remember that most of the contestants (and presumably, most of the audience, myself included) must be feeling reeeeeal awkward for how much they hated on Mirjana. Her behavior on the show plays very differently knowing more about her.

Really? I remember what was inspiring and empowering about her (which, I've got nothing against someone finding her inspiring thanks to the first impression she made) fading after a few episodes into a host of attitude and entitlement issues.

I was convinced to pick this up (I read To Kill a Mockingbird after college as part of an attempt to shore up my canon, thought it was a wonderfully humanistic work if pretty inadequate as a text about race and civil rights, though I may have been colored by reading pieces comparing Atticus to Thurgood Marshall

During the last one of these, someone brought up that this is largely because of pressure from the actual retailers themselves (like Toys 'R Us), who have "Boy" and "Girl" aisles and sections and never the twain shall meet. So suppliers struggle to sell them unisex toys because those retailers have nowhere to put them

Yeah, I was aware of the other stuff and had kinda waved it away as standard corporate disconnect, but those T-shirts are really quite something.

I think a Luke Cage/Jessica Jones (probably Iron Fist too, possibly Misty and Colleen, maybe Daredevil) Defenders book is coming later, it's just Monica and Blue Marvel, and Ewing's pen that connect Ultimates to Mighty Avengers.

Congratulations on the most pathetic attempt at humor ever. There may be some sort of prize.

I don't think it ever lived up to the (remarkable) promise of the pilot's closing montage, but these criticisms are all really strange to me.

I reread it and edited by adding a word that clarifies greatly (the moment before you posted, actually. I would hate the person who wrote the unedited version too, I honestly just missed typing the word "elsewhere" the first time). I apologize if you took the meaning I fear you did (that you are yourself arguing in

It does matter to those who come after, and it keeps happening, and the reason I say that narrative is "intended to demean the victims" is because it's been used, repeatedly and famously, to deny that they died because someone hated them for the color of their skin and that it's part of a far too prominent pattern in

You may not intend to demean the victims, but you're furthering a narrative that's very similar to one that is absolutely intended to.That the Sandy Hook shooter didn't spout anti-child rhetoric for months beforehand, nor were there recognizable anti-child symbols for him to wear, and there was no coherent