A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

You are a disingenuous wad of shit.

Oh, so your point of view is just completely untenable and divorced from reality.

Eh, for as fun as the "Fire and Blood" moment is, book Doran's kind of a wet fart, isn't he? The buildup is that he presents as a man of peace who nevertheless plans subtly to get the violent revenge he wants, but instead of giving us hamartia when his plans go to shit, they were just shitty fucking plans that made

Shiri Appleby is so damn good in this. I've never seen her in anything before, but I'm seriously impressed.

Unless you're Jaime, who suffers in different ways.

I really, really liked Inherent Vice.

If you can track down a recording of the West End production of Spring Awakening, check it out. Rheon's Moritz is the definitive one in my opinion. Only actor who's ever made the musical version of the character work.

Bless you for responding to that so articulately, instead of just saying "fuck you."

The only silver lining of this is that it should call attention to how fucked up Quiverfull is.


"Drag queen competition" is one of the few things of this type where I think the question of "would I have a beer with them?" is valid, since it's likely you will (Latrice Royale is wonderful).

Eh, Max just kinda seemed to have glommed onto a milieu whose aesthetic she liked. She didn't really have a strong point of view on it (I wanted to see her dropping names and influences left and right, and she never did).

"The closest analogue I can think of to Ginj is Roxxy Andrews, who I'll admit was also pretty reviled her season. But also came from a place of insecurity, a lot of it related to lingering body issues, but mostly the threat of being clearly, exponentially outclassed in talent by Jinkx."

Or they're setting up Shireen's death, and providing context and prior sympathy for his psychotic break.

There wasn't anything in this episode to indicate it, but I've had a growing suspicion about Sansa's storyline that might soften what happened in this episode.

I don't read it that way at all (by the way, Jane was losing her battle with breast cancer before she became Thor). You'll often see fighting breast cancer compared to a more traditional, violent battle, and I read this is an extension of that. If Jane's going down, she's going to fight all the way down like a damn

Because nerds need to be able to hold out hope for a NEXTWAVE film starring her, bro.

Sure seems like it!

So, the Issue 3 cover seems to feature the surviving team, plus Miles (who could easily have stowed away on one of Ultimate Reed's ships, given that they made sure we saw he was right there at their launch) and a nondescript redhead (an issue one variant shows Teen Jean with the rest of the surviving team, so maybe

I'm glad you noted how good Elizabeth Mitchell was in the first half of the season. All of the climactic beats must have read like the absolute worst of Once Upon a Time on paper, but she managed to make them play like the show's absolute best. Camelot could be fun, hopefully they can still come up with a good story