A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

If they're brazenly calling Tommen a bastard, it kinda follows.

I fucking love this show. Atmospheric, clever, mythic, engrossing, literary, and queer as fuck.

If Moore tries to claim ownership over "a bunch of public domain characters who are adjacent to each other come together as a team," he's even more of a crank than I thought.

I've been reading the way All-New X-Men treats the sliding timescale as though the time the O5 came from is simultaneously "about 15 years ago" and "The '60s, when the stories we're referencing were written."

Adds some context to Kitty's weird declaration that Bobby wasn't really interested in the relationship when she broke it off. Makes more sense than "You disagreed with me about what should be done with your younger self, you clearly don't care about me at all!"

Given the events of her solo mini and her relationship with her brother Christian, I'd argue she's the most likely of all the X-Men's telepaths to keep that secret. That whole sequence with her and Bobby actually looks like real fertile ground for new stories.

They both got villain edits. Neither of them fit the bill particularly well, though, so any real haters are probably just gullible bitches.

Charming as FUCK in person.

I've cringed at the sight of her for weeks now. And everyone around me seems convinced she's going to win. She's definitely top 3 material (talented, and shady as fuck), but my lizard brain goes eurgh. Not even "love to hate," more, "the reason I fucking hate gay bars sometimes."

She's the harmless, fun-in-her-own-way old bitch CoCo thought she was being.

As a fellow backseat dramaturge and Latrice Royale enthusiast, I'm pretty sure that it is, in fact, "Get those nuts away from MY face," counter-intuitive as it is. And that's why she's Latrice Motherfucking Royale and we're not.

Volantis. The Free City that will never appear.

It may be the same voice, but his seductive tone coming out of the black costume is so unnerving that I buy no one could connect it to ANYONE they meet or know.

I feel like it's less that there's darkness and grittiness (I'd say a lot of the stuff you're talking about has darkness and grittiness to it, it's just mixed in with other stuff that doesn't play well) and more that the darkness and grittiness isn't confused. This is who Matt Murdock is supposed to be. This will

It's weird to read someone write about it, because I could never put to words what was so sad about the final sequences of this movie and I didn't really want to.

Now there's some good casting.

The exception being Katya, who's wonderful and there's not enough of in both.

Ginger's talented and funny and all, but that personality's damn toxic.

I think he has serious problems with Patrick being with Kevin (especially after Patrick came clean to him), and is more frustrated by and concerned for Patrick than anything else. Less "you're a bad person" than "you're letting yourself turn into a bad person which isn't who I know you to be (see Patrick's response to

Patrick asking for a haircut in a moment of tumult is also a bit of an olive branch for how shittily he treated Richie's career in the first season. Where before he acted like being a barber was only OK if he had greater ambitions, here he's simply valuing who Richie is and what he does. Richie even seemed delighted