A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

I dunno, my boyfriend and I have talked about opening up our bed a few times (in the three-way way) and while it's a fun idea in potentia, we still haven't done anything yet. It'll take some very particular alchemy to make that first threesome happen (both of us being in the right headspace, the right guy, the right

In my experience, all a preoccupation with Field of Dreams implies is unresolved daddy issues and a lack of taste (as Bull Durham is clearly the superior Kevin Costner baseball movie).

Can I sign up for a nontraditional #TeamRichie? Where they don't necessarily reignite their love affair, but the love and trust return like the last scene implied? I'd call it #TeamScapular. Which is also incompatible with Patrick being with Kevin.

Not gonna lie, I was a sobbing mess when Patrick got his haircut. He's finally starting to take care of himself. If this is the end, then at least it suggested Patrick's figuring himself out, and that Richie's going to love watching him do it.

David Beckham's all attractive in images, but then when he opens is mouth it's all ELLO OI'M DAYVID BECKAM

Between Supergirl and being in one of the most celebrated films of the year, I think Melissa Benoist is doing just fine.

I'm waiting for the day we see Nightmare on Elm Street 2 on Logo.

It's more that Barb is a simultaneously revolting and mesmerizing (as she's played by Felicity Huffman) person who would say something like that and force other people to deal with her hateful self. But never mind nuance, we have flippant drive-by criticism to make!

My queer Shakespeare loving ass was vainly hoping for Richard III. Now there's a play with an entire cadre of fierce-ass bitches you want to see portrayed by drag queens.

Pearl was there hosting where I was watching. Someone yelled out "Illiterate!" there too, and she was a very good sport about it all. Did a fierce dance in front of the screen when she was declared safe.

I (kind of? kind of) believe the Rebirth of Agustin, in that we've only seen challenges that I can believe he'd respond well to, and few that would prompt him to behave badly. Eddie's clearly a good option for a partner (if Agustin can get past the messy work of being intimate with him the way Eddie needs him to be in

He's basically the Platonic ideal of "Dad" through the episode where Nick stays with them.

I think it's interesting to remember Finn at this moment. This alliance was bought with his blood, so what does Lexa shitting all over it mean? Especially to Clarke? They can't just give him back. Blood must have blood.

Princess Alais would eat Anika alive. If Cookie stands up well to Eleanor and Katherine Hepburn, then she's the opposite.

"I hate you."
"Hate away."

I liked the way Cat's monologue in the show about her guilt over Jon made its way back around to approximating a nasty little bit of business from the books; as far as Robb is concerned, Jon got about the best life a bastard could hope for and Cat still managed to hate him and make shit hard, contributing to Robb's

There's a lost, sad quality to her that I find really engaging. Gillen said she's named for the Bat for Lashes song (https://www.youtube.com/wat…, and it speaks a lot to the context and mood of her character.

I think Woden's got something altogether less fetish-y than the Valkyries planned for Cassandra (though probably equally sinister). It's their cynicism that draws them together (that, and if Cassandra's name implies anything about her story, she's about to make a deal with a god associated with prophecy. When she

Her delivery of "Jews!" was kind of brilliant, and the best thing about this odd little nothing ("odd little nothing" is, of course, a serious step up for Glee).

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