
The Victor lookalike is not NEARLY creepy enough

The absolute worst head-slapper for me was at the beginning of DJ. Not two seconds after Trebek finished explaining the "In The Atmosphere" category, Will chose it, and guessed "What are Valkyries?" R$I*#U$*#%(Y#*$&*#@%&*#%

The clue threw me too. I was thinking "transporter" — it has an N-P-R in that order but of course it would have been incorrect because of the R that comes before all that.

Three bucks, two bags, one meeeee

It's okay, I cried too. Totally was not expecting the emotional gutpunch that was Sad Ron.

Exactly. And their justification is weird, it sounds like they're trying to gauge interest in the deluxe version before committing to producing a normal version. That's not really how the world works.

I can't believe nobody's mentioned how much better George looked during the evening at the vacation house when his hair wasn't shellacked to his head.

Yes, the Deluxe version is the only version they are manufacturing for the purposes of this Kickstarter. Which is precisely why I'm not donating to it. :\

YES. THAT was the wrong answer that pissed me off!

That wasn't a criticism of your recaps, by the way! She really was bad enough not to deserve a mention. Although I do remember being ticked off at another one of her stupid wrong answers but I can't remember what it was…

I love how this recap mentions nothing of Elizabeth. Pretty much sums her up.

Fun fact — we did an election simulation of the NY gubernatorial race during my senior year of high school, and I was assigned the illustrious role of Pataki's wife, Libby.

New band name, I'm calling it!!!!

I feel bad for saying this, but her eyes made her look really stoned to me.

I swept that damn spices category! The star anise escapades were maddening.

This was one of the few FJs in recent memory where I've known the answer before Trebek even finished reading the clue. HOW was this a Triple Stumper?!

It turns out The Running Man was in our hearts all along….

I can't fault her too much for uptalk, since I have a tendency to do that when I play along at home. Makes me wonder what else I'd do to piss off the commentariat if I ever made it on the show. Hopefully one day I'll find out!

Her. Definitely her.

Rooks was waaaay too chummy and chatty for my tastes.