
Well la-dee-da Mr French Man

They left out a couple lead drama actor nominations too.

I noticed that too — the guy in the foreground being served by Shelly had this loud sweater on in the first shot, and then when the scene switched back it seemed like it was the same guy, but he was sitting on a different stool and was no longer wearing the sweater.

Commander Putnam, for the crimes of "sin and covetousness"

I just rewatched, and yes — they only showed the left one.

Yeah that was kinda my thinking too when I initially wrote my comment untagged, but I could see how what I wrote could be information people might not want to know prior to reading.

Fair enough, I've edited a spoiler tag in for posterity. I didn't really think that was all that spoilery to talk about until you pointed it out.

Yes, that's exactly where I thought it was going!

I don't blame you! I'm surprised I kept watching. Maybe it's because I had zero sympathy for Putnam.

Thank you for the wonderful reviews, Allison. It's been a pleasure reading and discussing with everyone here.

I would LOVE some Lydia flashbacks. omg.

During that part, I couldn't help but think back on the flashback to Luke's question about whether they ever hooked up. Made me shudder. I'm glad they didn't go there too.

No worries, they do look sort of similar.

"Who said any of them are keeping it in their pants? It seems obvious that despite whatever rules are supposed to be followed, none of these guys are."

There's no indication that Ofglen 2 is working with Mayday — June got her orders from Alma who's a totally separate character.

Ha, fair enough! Maybe I just haven't had the right pesto.

Took the test tonight and got 37/50 by my count. My personal best of the 3 or 4 online tests I've taken so far. Here's hoping it gets me an audition slot!

Yup, that's how I read it. She was at the top of her chef game pre-Gilead. Which is why the notion of being nominated for a James Beard for PESTO just makes me groan.

All pesto bitching aside, I liked this episode more than Allison did, and I liked it a whole lot more than last week’s episode, though I agree that it suffered from some of the same weaknesses as “The Other Side.” But that said, having this episode — and this episode specifically — focused on Nick’s backstory made me

Ugh, thanks for calling out that stupid pesto quote. I understand what they were going for with that, but honestly… nobody's gonna be nominated for a James Beard award for pesto, no matter how good it is. Jesus.