
Oh, and for illustrative purposes, these are the opening remarks that allegedly spurred the reshoot request:

Thanks for addressing the controversy. I agree, Alex was completely right to resist reshooting the opening. I thought his comments about turning a loss into a positive learning experience were spot-on and astute, and that was even before knowing the details of the behind-the-scenes drama.

My highschool English teachers were REALLY slacking, because I don't think I ever actually had to read R+J.

I got partway to the FJ answer, assuming it was the balcony from Romeo and Juliet, but I couldn't recall where it took place. My husband knew the play was set in Verona, but thought that was a fictional city for some reason. Together we have half a brain, kind of?

That, and Frankenstein isn't the monster's name.

He's short, maybe he was just standing behind someoneā€¦.

Holy shit!

Man, haters to the motherfuckin left. Cerulean played the game better than most adults this season have. And he seems to be a happy, well-adjusted, poised young man. #Cerulean4prez

My initial guess was Mr. Rogers, but of course as soon as they revealed Sendak as the right answer it was an "oh duh" moment.

Alex looked positively giddy at the end of the episode, and I don't blame him one bit.

Well, I just have no idea who to root for in the finals! I like Arthur for his ruthless playing style, I like Julia for her impressive run and pleasant demeanor, and Ben followed me on Twitter a few months back for reasons unknown to me.

YES! I watched both those eps last night as well.

Am I the only one who doesn't really consider the fleur-de-lis a plant? I mean, I know it literally means "lily flower" in French, but it always struck me as more of a symbol than anything.

Yup. My husband's from Michigan and called bullshit on Swayze's claim immediately.

I would pay good money to watch Matthew perform "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" though. I say that with the utmost sincerity.

Based on Trebek's explanation of that category, I expected it to be a bunch of audio clues of coins clinking and bills rustling. I don't know how that would have worked, though.

I can't help but blame Dan's ramblings for contributing to there being 4 clues left at the end of the Jeopardy! round.

Grrr Brendan and his careless guesses. I half-expected him to write in "What is Breaking Bad?" in FJ.

Man, why would you want your lead-off Jeopardy chat topic to be about how you're undefeated at the game at home? Way too cocky.

Thank god I'm not the only one.