
That's a hilariously apt description.

My initial thought was Hitler, but I assumed that was way too obvious of a guess and went with Mussolini instead. At least I knew enough not to guess Truman…

One of the things that bothers me the most about Masters of Sex is that in *every* single episode, at least one character does a wildly unrealistic 2+ minute monologue. It takes me out of the show whenever it happens.

Yeah, what was with that? He tweets some bizarre stuff occasionally, but that one just seemed unnecessarily offensive and REALLY out of character.

Most of the time when I don't get FJ right, it's either a complete no-brainer once the correct answer is revealed, or it's information that I could conceivably have known if I boned up on the category subject a little bit more. But last night's FJ was so obscure and poorly-written that there's absolutely no way I

I like to think he was as annoyed by Heather's slowness as we were.

I got the sense that he totally misread the clue and didn't catch the fact that they were looking for a state capital. He just seemed way too lost.

Totally agree with you. Those triple stumpers were inexcusable. And I'm really not looking forward to watching Heather play again tonight. What a snooze fest.

I usually live for categories like that, but most of the clues completely stumped me. And I'm ashamed to admit that it took me way too long to figure out your Diamond Peanut Butter name.

Haha, my husband said the same thing! He wasn't a fan of the orange-red additions to the color scheme. My guess is they're gearing up to change the set pretty soon, and will be adding those colors in there too.

I think my expectations of clue difficulty were skewed from re-watching the Battle of the Decades, because about five times during the game I'd initially guess the correct answer, only to second guess myself because it seemed too obvious. New Deal was one of those, since it was the $600 clue.

Oh crap, that's…. unfortunate.

There's been a Jay-S.-Jeopardy!-recap-sized hole in my heart these past six weeks.

So, please tell me there's a gif somewhere of Bill slowly backing behind that corner after peeping on Libby.

I thought they were funny the first time I watched them, and the music is catchy, but I always skip em.

My heart absolutely broke for him. That non-rhyming words category really threw him off his game and he never recovered. :'(

Alex started the show by saying something like "Hopefully today's game will be easier." Seriously, Trebek?! Why don't you hope for stronger contestants instead???

She just wants us to be "happy".


Big ups to Julia. Ended up missing the original airing again, and spoiling myself on the outcome once AGAIN (fucking Google-targeted news stories on my phone), but it was still an enjoyable game to catch up on.