
I love that clip.

No, you're correct.  But after Don's father died (by being kicked in the head by a horse), his step mom, pregnant with Adam, moved them to his "uncle's" place, which I guess was a whorehouse.

She practically caught him with chewing gum on his pubis!

I…… don't know.

You must have missed last week's review then.  It was up two days early.

Everyone's vocals (except maybe Shirley's) were autotuned to hell, so she may genuinely be an awful singer in reality.

Seriously.  I came really close to just turning the show off when the first song started.  Instead I stuck it out waiting for a payoff that never came.

Yeah, those are all great, interesting points.  Generationally speaking, perhaps Peggy should have had more of an accent than she does.  My parents have more of an accent than I do, and they grew up around that time period.  Personally I'm glad the show doesn't overdo it, for the same stereotypical reasons you point

@avclub-a6564e7f36ea4b7e64ff4f58919f6028:disqus Aw, you're so cute when you're cranky.

Is that seriously what she claims her weight is?  I'm three inches shorter than her and I weigh around 110, and I'm a similar, maybe even slightly slimmer build than her.

I'm surprised that this moment bothered so many people, because it really broke my heart.  Maybe it's because it hit really close to home for me?  My dad didn't show much emotion at all when his mother died (even though they were very close), and yet he cried at the end of E.T.

My thoughts exactly.

I know that Breaking Bad is allowed a limited number of "fuck"s per season (1 or 2?), so it's probably the same with Mad Men.

@avclub-f6200f1070520617ac55cacf7b146c53:disqus The blonde at the office was the font desk secretary. (The same one Joan threw an airplane at)

I couldn't stop laughing either.  They are 100% trolling us now.

I'm a native New Yorker and I don't have an accent (really).  The only thing that sticks out is that I pronounce "horrible" the same way Peggy did in this episode.

Rabin's memory serves no one.

Where's Rappin Jake Sisko?

Nuts n gum, together at last!