
Yeah, when Glen took off his helmet after the shootout I was like "noooooooooooo!"

I can't believe it took 3 comment pages for someone to point that out.

I'd pay good money to see Jack McBrayer's Otis Redding lipsync.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I watch the first 30 seconds of Wheel of Fortune just to hear Sajak's weird babbling as he's walking out with Vanna. "Well HEY!  Look at all these people!  We're on a show!  You go over there now!"

I find it to be more Hibbert-esque, personally.

Ooh, how about AMC's The Talking Dead, silent version??

If I wanted to watch it in black and white, I'd adjust my TV's color settings.

I think that's the same actor from last season, he's just aging horribly.

Cool, thanks!  I've learned something new about The Netherlands today.

She's also Alex Mack.

Where is around here?  Just curious.

Damn it, I gotta refresh before I reply.

Wrong hand.

I'm not convinced that's supposed to be Megan he's holding hands with.

I wouldn't, because I don't want Jon Hamm to get Superman-cursed.

No no no!  It's Quit. Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy… JOB down at the carwash

@avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba:disqus as someone who grew up near Great Neck, you totally nailed that assessment.

Every time I saw her face on screen I yelled "GO AWAY".  My boyfriend didn't watch that much of this season so he thought I was overreacting.

He was definitely pretty douchey, but I have to admit that a younger/more naive SupriseMofo thought he was super hot.  But seeing him now… the years have not been kind to him.

Who HASN'T had gay thoughts?!