
*cash register ding*

@avclub-fbca7c48c185890bd31f538b91ba5fbb:disqus it might not.  My memory is hazy but I feel like I saw Ben Folds play "Bitches Aint Shit" live as early as '03 or '04.

Great minds, @avclub-9cd818ea56273170b63f339aa6f34bca:disqus .  Great minds.

It's getting harder and harder to remain in denial that this show is ending.

Sorry, I think maybe we're making two slightly different points here.  I thought you were arguing that Kristen deserved to take the blame, and I see now that that's not exactly what you were saying.  I get that she was sent home because she bit her tongue and took responsibility.  That's what's so frustrating about

Sure she was responsible for it to a certain degree, but how many times did she ask Josie to roast the bones/start the stock?  What was she supposed to do, physically force her to start her dish?  Josie was being insubordinate and slow.  We've already seen her lack of time management over and over again, this was just

Josie would have to be just one big LOLOLOLOLOL, wouldn't she?

Re: #4, I'm sure that's true, but at the same time, wouldn't they rather earn a win rather then win because the strongest chef was eliminated unfairly?  Maybe not when  $120k is on the line, I guess….

I usually don't get emotionally invested in reality TV at all, but my blood pressure went through the roof when they booted Kristen.  When Padma said Josie's name, I threw up my hands in jubilation, but of course it was a fake-out.  I didn't get the chance to see LCK yet, but **SPOILERS!!!** I'm really glad to hear

I thought the exact same thing.

Was anyone else really surprised by Lizzie's comments during Judges' Table?  Something about how maybe she should have explained herself better, as if that was the reason she was in the bottom and not her undercooked dumpling thing.  Maybe they were taken out of context but she sounded really full of herself, which

My boyfriend likes to refer to it as "Downtown Blabbies"

I always thought it was mincing like "mincing words"… Smithers liked the ballet and he wanted Burns to stop criticizing it?

Aw c'mon Rabin, it's "I'm trapped INSIDE two vending machines", which makes it like ten times funnier.

@avclub-8802e9d4bfe0710333f1fffc87c018e7:disqus I also really enjoyed the shot of CJ going for the hand sanitizer at the market

@mad whatevs, I'm not ashamed to say he's handsome.  His personality on the other hand…

@mad whatevs, I'm not ashamed to say he's handsome.  His personality on the other hand…

I agree, the Emeril line was kind of annoying, but I actually didn't dislike him this episode.  Josie's tirade (and his level headed reaction to it) made me sympathize with him a bit.

I agree, the Emeril line was kind of annoying, but I actually didn't dislike him this episode.  Josie's tirade (and his level headed reaction to it) made me sympathize with him a bit.

As a sound designer, that door opening sound effect grates at my soul each and every time I hear it.