iuvenes carnifex

I've never drafted one of these expansions in-store since you pay for 5 packs vs 3 if you draft with friends and rare-redraft. I had the best gameplay experience with rare-redraft as I was actually passed money cards that fit into my colors (Bitterblossom from MMA15, for example), rather than cobbling together

Link? I've been brewing an EDH Turbo Fog deck….

The funny part of Chronicles is that for a lot of cards those printings are worth much less than their original set equivalents even though they have the same art, function, and legality. So there are actually people out there that will pay $5 for the Aniquities printing over the $1.50 Chronicles printing of Urza's

Pffft… as if those clowns could pilot Shardless BUG

You going to rare-redraft or keep what you rip?

Shhhh… no one tell HDB about the Magic Hall of Fame…

Some stores/tournaments allow a certain number of self-printed in events. In fact it was my local came store who showed me how to make 'good' versions of proxied cards (as opposed to the sharpie-on-crap-card technique). They were intended for kitchen table play and not to fool judges at official events though, of

Yes, I believe WotC offered Steve all of the Born of the Gods boosters he could eat!

I'd say it's a lot more like the "Mayhem on a Cross" episode of Bones from seven years ago. (check out that reference in the title)

A Commander player.

Well, I don't want to make you feel worse, but that Beta Illusionary Mask alone is currently going for around $180. Dual lands (e.g. Underground Sea) go for a lot more. In contrast, my dad never threw out any of my crap and now I have a ton of completely worthless stuff. And memories.

Who told you to cover up?

I saw this film, loved it, bought the t-shirt, etc. Several of the people interviewed cited the fact that VHS is the only medium upon which a lot of things exist. That there are movies, television shows, concerts, etc. that no longer exist in any other form is a major motivation for some of the collectors and such

How do you get a drummer off your doorstep?
Pay him for the pizza.

Woops, got the order wrong- they took him down, the nukes woke him up, and then he burned 'em up good. VIDEO EVIDENCE: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
I watched this move hundreds of times as a kid but probably not once in the last 20 years…