iuvenes carnifex

The Bagel Store (which makes that rainbow bagel) was my local bagel shop when I lived in Williamsburg. I never tried one of those, but their normal bagel offerings (e.g. the everything bagel) are fantastic. Maybe too large for some purists, but there's no such thing as too much of a good bagel, if you ask me.

That spaceship game was Sol-Feace! I think it was the only game I played on that thing other than Mortal Kombat. I can't actually remember if Doom was a cartridge or CD, but it required the 32X extension… You've never played doom before you played it without the ability to save!
Also: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

And Christian Death- going all the way back to the beginning! I've never been goth myself, and I know people who are and who (at least at some point in their lives) didn't consider guitar-driven music to be part of their scene. So CD, old Southern Deathcult, and even later stuff like My Life With the Thrill Kill Cult

Dat Sentenced shirt tho…. really casting that band as Goth was forward thinking on the part of the execs. How did they know that the band's very next release (Down, the following year, 1996) would be a long, death n' roll meditation on suicide? Also, this song is just goth AF (if you allow guitars in your goth music,

IIRC they had hit men to ensure that no one actually escaped alive, and they cheated in other ways (e.g. monitoring mailboxes to get a bead on the runner via the tapes he had to mail in, etc.).

If he set himself on fire at shows he'd fit right into the scene!

Long live the Tweeters!!

Yargh, totally missed the reference. That's the last time I unleash my inner Sir Philip Sidney. I'll leave the defense of poesy to the professionals.

I would actually say that this is a pretty good poem if you are not fixated on rhyming. The real problem is that it's totally established that Marge has a life outside of the home! (I assume that Treehouse of Horror episodes are canon, so, yes, Willy is still Springfield's Freddy Krueger)

Yeah, looking back I spent a lot of 1996 listening to late 1995 music. Particularly Slaughter of the Soul by At The Gates, which I think only made college radio by me in Spring '96. I would say the same about The Gallery by Dark Tranquility, but I didn't discover it until Spotify.

I loved From Dusk Till Dawn then and now, yet I always kind of wished it was just a crime movie focusing on The Gecko Brothers. It's possible that I was immune to QT's acting as a 16 y/o.

I resisted Tool because I liked "heavier" stuff and like a lot of 16 y/o Slayer fans, I was really fucking closed minded. Anyway, even back then I could not deny how incredible Stinkfist was and considered it a "guilty pleasure".

Ah, finally a chance to post this ol' 1996 chestnut https://youtu.be/vIa6iNIvc-…
I don't know what it is about a song like "Brotherhood/Sisterhood 1996" that made it sound so current 20 years ago and so dated now. We'll probably never know. And, what the hell- here's a list of some other 1996 junk that I've thought was

I always loved the implied conceit that you could not possibly actually care about sports unless you were gambling on them.

Thank you for not posting Dawn of the Black Hearts here…

I believe that the backing track is Arckanum. It fit better than I expected!