iuvenes carnifex

They actually managed to take down big G with their "cadmium bombs" before succumbing to his fire breath. Sadly for Tokyo he was revived by 2 nuclear missiles blowing up overhead and rejuvenating him with their nutritious gamma radiation.
I will also add that I remember this movie introducing me to the concepts of

I hope they do Godzilla 1985. The poster was on Roger Ebert's wall for 25 years from what I can tell! It will also bring it full circle with Monday's 1954 entry as I think it was the first attempt to release a "serious" Godzilla film. AV Club, I implore you to LAUNCH THE SUPER-X!

*possible spoiler about world building details from A Feast For Crows*
According to A Feast For Crows, Euron Greyjoy seems to have made most of his fortune by raiding westward from the Iron Islands to Asshai. Tower of the Hand doesn't go into enough detail to back me up and I don't feel like digging up the chapter,

political graffiti > physical graffiti

Joke's on you, not even fire wants my copies of Joliet the Rash…

You can have my pile of Spellfire cards for whatever amount of money will buy back my lost dignity. Preferably in USD.

Also the expansions are very cheap: $5-$10 and they are just extra cards in blister packs. Pretty smart design.

I was going to write basically exactly this so I will just reply to you to say "good job". I guess I will also add that I, and my fellow players, had a lot of fun with this when I've played multiplayer. I think the fact that there are only 3 possible actions each turn make it easier for a newer player to grasp so I

I re-watched this kind of recently back to back with the first movie and was surprised that some of my favorite lines that I remembered were from 2 and not 1. The court scene and Vigo's introduction are awesome. However, outside of those positives, adult me could hardly believe how much of GB2 was a direct re-tread

No, he said rings were stupid.

Something to Believe In was also Poison. Cinderella's terrible song was "Don't Know what you got til it's gone". However, Cinderella has some kickass songs too, and in the process of revisiting the era, I feel like they're unfairly lumped in with some shitty bands like.
Shitty bands that haven't been mentioned yet:

And don't forget about Nelson, and Extreme! Bands that seemed to exist in order to make Europe look tough…

I'm waiting until they reduce BW episodes to 30 seconds of run time, with 2 year breaks between episodes.

The wife and I actually rewatched that sketch just so we would be sure not to forget that name.

He should also have about 200 teeth- perfect for grimacin'!

Dokken's "In My Dreams" takes on a different dimension if you pretend that's a Nightmare on Elm Street theme song too…

Metal Blade's catalog became available on Spotify in the intervening time since the last SW album. I've noticed Napalm Records and Century Media coming on in that span too, so there has just been a ton of awesome stuff spanning decades. Can't wait to get new headphones…

That's definitely the kind of event that I would forget after 4 years.

I quoted Elie Wiesel, so I guess you could have done worse :)

All this time and no one ignored the marrow of @avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus's post and just pointed out that the Simpson's quote is:
"In America: first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women."