iuvenes carnifex

Ah, forgot to mention that I was only excited to see Sepultura on that bill and they missed the show due to Max's broken leg.

That was the first show that I ever *tried* to get tickets to.  These were the days when you had to stand on line to get a wrist band in order to stand on line to get tickets… or something.  Anyway, they were totally sold out and my first concert ended up being Prong/Sepultura/Pantera.  That was also the scene of my

"Fuck!  My arms are tiny!"

I've had my friend's DVD copy of this for like 5 years; maybe I'll finally watch it…

@avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus If you upgrade your JRE to the latest version and update your build path, it should solve your .jar compatibility problems.

The quality of The Guy From Harlem surprised even me!

I saw it once in college and it inspired me to either make or download a Shaft theme for Windows 98.  You *know* your computer's warning you when it says: "Cut the crap, man- this is Shaft!"

@avclub-ea1026696cadc48775907505feafed8e:disqus Dammit, you had me looking for Panopticon on Spotify, but they don't seem to be on there.  I was actually thinking very similar thoughts to what you laid down here after seeing a Woodie Guthrie Jr concert a year or two ago; got any representative youtube links?

I dunno, they were known to produce high levels of infidelity.

Actually, he identified seemed to identify with orcs.  See the song 'A Crying Orc' or his pseudonym 'Count Grishnak' (named after a minor orc character from the Two Towers), and the fact that Burzum is a morgul word.  He also claimed that Tolkien based the morgul language on Swedish (which is ludicrous- it sounds more

When I read the book I was disappointed at how it veered from a musical study, to a true crime book, to an authorized biography of Varg.  It seems like a lot of people just become fascinated by him (see also the directors of Until The Light Takes Us).  And yes, Varg seems to be some kind of pathological liar.

@OldeFortran77:disqus That would only work if there's also a powerful 'knife lobby' working to protect your 'stand your ground… with a knife!' rights.

I couldn't continue once he started criticizing Breivik for his lack of understanding of "international jewry".  The difference I'm perceiving now is that before he just seemed like a misguided nationalist who thought some dumb shit, but was otherwise intelligent; he seemed like he could still become a good human

…and that open letter officially ends my ability to separate the art from the artist in the case of Varg Vikernes.

@avclub-c9be0674ead9b2448c14d31c64f2b01b:disqus The part of that segment that I often refer back to was the PTA saying "nay" to the Fire Department recharging the fire extinguishers.  "This is a *free* service provided by the fire department…" "NAY"

(@avclub-eaf402eeb9124200ac5a79cbc3355d72:disqus is unaware that we've replaced his mysterious and expensive beverage with Folger's Crystals)

@avclub-991c1161618c95bc94d3e7508c0a3d30:disqus The shaking upper tier is my one clear memory of that concert- as told to me by my parents who were the ones that actually went.

Good night, black terminator  :(

"I'm only wearing one pantsuit…"