iuvenes carnifex


@Clockwise_AZ:disqus  I was trying to watch Garth Merenghi's Darkplace.  Now I see how my post above could be confusing :)

Actually, I often feel like the sound mix is off in the show.  I wonder if the creators are so in love with their (admittedly great) sound design that they put the music and sound effects way too high in the mix.  Coincidentally I first remember having this problem in the Viva Los Muertos episode- I thought there was

@persia2:disqus That's strange because the website is telling me in no uncertain terms that it is unavailable for streaming.  Maybe I'll just try in the app itself when I get home. (I'm in the US too)

The last IT Crowd review got me all excited for this show, but it's not on Netflix…
:lowers head, puts hand in pockets, morosely kicks a dented can:

You are a bladder!

And all I can think of is @avclub-4602fc349ffc0ad649190e937f2a5f14:disqus  I think of you…

@V.A. Club  Sweet!  I've only ever seen that in animated .gif form!

@avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus I was waiting for the hound to ripost with "yeah well then I cut Dondarrion in half, so there," but I guess he's just not a wit.

I will always remember seeing the hilariously gratuitous sex scene from Time Cop in the theater.  Deploy JCVD stunt butt!

This is the most thunderous racism since Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham used to hit a gong sometimes.

Yes, this.  Also if they made the comic relief either less ham fisted or less… existent.  I think I would have liked it more if the movie had been framed as being ambiguous as to whether there was actually a supernatural threat or if the crew just started to lose their minds from their remoteness… as in space madness.

It's not Scott, and the video is cut off just a tad too soon, but this is the first thing I thought of when you brought up the beard:

Another wrinkle in the tale.  "The War Machine" was based on an earlier character of Dave Gibbons' (and Gerry Finley-Day's) called "Rogue Trooper", which was originally published in 1981.  So perhaps the upper hand is on the other foot after all?

Maybe the planet was fully industrialized and once it was no longer fit for normal human habitation or completely mined out it was just abandoned and left to rot (in a way similar to the Earth of WALL-e).

In order to respond to your question, I decided to search harder, and I realized why I could never find it in HM's magazine archives: it ran in a special issue and was called War Machine!  (http://www.heavymetalmagazi…
Turns out it was written in 1993 by William Simpson (and illustrated by the incomparable Dave

I really liked this movie when I saw it on video, but one thing about it really bugged me: it bore a striking resemblance to my favorite all time story in Heavy Metal magazine (which I believe was called "Friday Job"), but I've never seen another person acknowledge that fact.  A google search turned up someone on the

I am also an Event Horizon hater.  I saw it in the theaters at a time when I was reading a lot of H.P. Lovecraft and Sam Neil was great in In the Mouth of Madness, so I had some expectations going in.  Needless to say, those expectations were not met, although the extensive Latin lesson of the film is kind of

"Now watch me air piano."