iuvenes carnifex

That actually kind of works for me as a caption.

There's a reason that Mouth for War was turned into MIDI and used in Doom and no other song.

I played on a club hockey team in college.  In my first year the team rented vans and made the 40 minute drive to the nearest sports store to buy cups and other protective gear.  One of my fellow players had never bought a cup before and, not wanting to sell himself short, bought an extra large.  Unfortunately for

To an extent that's up to the user.

You are truly the greatest gimmick poster of all time- perhaps even across all forums.

I was going to say that his mat of chest hair should be proof enough, but I'll allow that it's possible that it's actually berber carpet stapled to a woman.  How better to be a drag king in the 70s?

How about Grutle Kjellson on the cover of Eld?  Hmm.. maybe that's not an improvement…

Nile's "Ramses, Bringer of War" comes immediately to mind, but it's not so much a "cop" as a tribute.  They do their own thing with it.

I prefer the original Merchant Ivory version: "Terms of Enrampagement"

I remember watching that movie on the strength of his review of it.  I ultimately disagreed with him, and I expressed this disagreement by falling asleep 30 minutes into it.

I already have it stuck in my head on an endless loop thanks to it being mentioned in the article- I was not about to watch the video or look up the lyrics to get them right.

I have less affinity than you'd think for song lyrics that sound like they should be delivered by someone holding you at gunpoint…

The part that bugged me the most about this song is probably the "marry him, or marry me [something something something] can't you see?".  Even when I was 10 I was thinking "she's got to have more options than that!"

Music I would not have heard otherwise, and enthusiastic yet civil discussion.  Room for a lot of opinions.  There are a lot of things that will be missed once these comments go cold.  Thanks to Heller and the other contributors for their past glories here.

They don't understand just how rich of a character Bender is.
:puts on monocle:

I didn't realize he was playing Jake until the first time Jake put on the "URL" voice when talking about the ladies.

My main criticism of the article is that I think the title should have referenced the Exodus song "A Lesson in Violence".

I only recently discovered Punishment For Decadence and had a moment of "how did I let myself miss out on this for 20 years!?"

Too bad it seems like nothing from Combat Records is on Spotify- I can't find the classic Forbidden, Exodus, or Dark Angel albums on there.