iuvenes carnifex

Does that mean you also don't like Exodus (Zetro albums) and Accept?

Jack Daniels and Pizza was Carnivore and man is that song hilariously disgusting.  I also saw Kreator at a dump on Long Island, only it was The Roxy in Huntington (Rest In Pain).

Woohoo!  Just in time for Easter!

If nasally vocals bother you, then there are very legitimate reasons to hate this song.

In fact, according to this image, Canada has more metal bands per capita than the United States (of course, the US has ~10x Canada's population…)

The books won't help you there, I think the weirding module concept is entirely from the movie.

The most notable band I've discovered in the last month was probably Royal Thunder.  Just a solid, hard groovin' rock n' roll band with spectacular vocals.

I'm still waiting for Austrian Death Machine to release another Christmas EP called "Hey, Christmas Tree!"

My parents used to mix big rocks in with our dog's food so that she would have to eat around them, and it would slow her down.  They were the size of lemons, so there was no chance of her eating them or chipping a tooth- then again, with that dog you never know.


They flee from me that sometime did me seek

First shalt thou count to three.

Did anybody else look at this episode as a knock on fellow Cartoon Network show "Annoying Orange".  From my understanding, that show is just a series of one groan inducing cornball joke after another- intentionally.  Having Quips discover that he actually appealed to non-discriminating little kids seems to cement the

Well shit, where we you ten years ago when I needed that!

@avclub-c28d9aed55d410c2d797e07c42e3ae50:disqus Now I really wish I thought to say "there's your character reference!" after I blew up the office with C4.  Oh well, I guess there's always next time.

I once had that jug question put to me in a job interview.  The interview was already going horribly and all I could do was remember that it was in Die Hard 3- nothing about how to solve it.  And while I was fucking up that interview my car got its first serious ding in the parking lot.

"There's your dignity- right… over… there."

With a name like Buck Biggers, i was expecting him to have been the creator of the Underdog porn parody "Underdoggy Style".

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus Truly, only a madman would dare cast Tenser's Identify Floating Faeces.

Oh shit, Bruce Willis was the reporter?  I've never seen that piece of shit, and was just assuming he was the DA because that would make sense.  Ignore my previous post.