F. U. Hat

Does Canada actually take place in Canada? Somehow this information has eluded me thus far.

I have one for you, as well, several hours late!

Instead of doing them from your feet, do them from your knees, if that makes sense.  I think these used to be called "women's pushups" or something.

Probably without at this point, or with but really bargain basement/crappy.

I got recruited to be a bridesmaid at my male friend's wedding because two of the bride's sisters were groomsmen and he wanted someone he knew on the other side of the aisle as well.  I barely knew the bride and still barely know her.

I'm ongoing with my weekly ballet class and loving it despite the fact that I just have nowhere near the same amount of control over my limbs as I used to, so I do a lot of flailing.

I spend about 8 hours a day minimum with my job site foreman, no more than 10 feet away from each other, and basically without respite.  He's not a bad person, but I'd like to throttle him a lot of the time, just from overexposure to his moodiness.

I've been thinking of trying yoga as well, now that I'm taking ballet again and my flexibility is even worse than it was when I was 15.  I just need to find the time..

I don't really have time to make a costume, so I'm buying a pair of orange coveralls and going as Chell from Portal.

This summer I took a weekly class for a few weeks and it was ok besides the fact that I haven't danced in something like a decade.  I'm so out of shape right now that any physical activity leaves me sore afteward, and this isn't, like, a crazy advanced class or anything.

Very much a snooze button addict, unfortunately, and that's not likely to improve anytime soon.

I decided I have time for ballet once a week this fall after all.  (My calves aren't thanking me after this week's class, but they'll get used to it.)  If it goes well I'm thinking of adding swimming once a week around the middle of next month.


Excellent, thank you!


My new ballet class is on campus.  Since it's only the third week of term, the first year students haven't had their spirits broken yet and are still wandering around being loud and drunk.  I actually parked near a house where a reasonably large group of them were playing beer pong IN THE FRONT YARD.  I'm sure I never

I actually found it easier when I lived alone, because I managed to figure out how many groceries I'd go through in a week, and always knew what was in the fridge.  Now I live with my sister and because of our divergent schedules I never have any idea what is going on foodwise.

I am!  I would participate infrequently and don't know how to post an email address without broadcasting it all over the place.

Help me A.V. Club, you're my only hope.

I think pumpkin pie is terrible, so for once I guess I agree with the TI.