I thought it was decent, but seriously dudes, did you run out of homegrown actors?
I thought it was decent, but seriously dudes, did you run out of homegrown actors?
Here I am!
Excuse me, we prefer "Saskatchewanese."
I'm reasonably certain that it's been the world's #1 potash producer at least my elementary school days two decades ago, so I'd say we've been potash-mad for a while.
As probably the only person around here who could contradict you, I'd say that's a decent choice. I work too much overtime to be well-versed in the music scene here, so I don't really have any other suggestions. (BESIDES OF COURSE "THE LAST SASKATCHEWAN PIRATE." Bahahaha.)
Well, I'm officially creeped out.
Oh God.
Deal. Right now I'm thinking we could just add hyphens to your previous comment and then copy and paste it as necessary.
Yeah, I just sort of think it's a stupid word. I'll grant that it can be a useful shorthand, but to me it's ugly and sometimes seems to trivialize in a similar way to the actual thing it's describing.
I may come back and edit this out later, but my twitter account is "[EDIT: red-ACK-ted]." I use it as a personal twitter even though it's connected to my blog.
I was with you until you used the word "mansplaining," which is a word I cannot stand.
For some reason I looked up GG Allin one day. It wasn't a great day.
I am right on the edge of my mid-twenties turning to my late twenties, and while I've loved people as an adult, I certainly haven't had that love reciprocated. :(
I work on a construction/industrial site, so my workday fashion is basically long sleeved tee + jeans, but fall and spring are the only seasons when I feel moderately ok about my fashion choices, period.
I used to follow Penny Arcade and then just stopped for some reason I no longer remember.
Congratulations to everyone who is having good times!
I seriously do not understand why people are such dicks about weddings.
@avclub-d4c5630db0ec3444ec43c0982a9e83d3:disqus has hit the nail on the head and I sure haven't made it to step three yet. Although considering I'm more agnostic I guess I haven't completed step two yet, either.
It's mainly my life schedule. I'm planning to buy a house before I change jobs, so that I can get away from the money pit that is renting. Then I assume the job search will take a while, because I'd like to find something good.
I've definitely been thinking about that. What I'd really like to get into is lane swimming, but currently I have to leave for work before the pools even open, and then trying to coordinate when to eat/how to feed myself for evening swims has proved to be a bit challenging so far. I'm feeling determined, though.