F. U. Hat

Yep, I'm going backwards from 100 to 1, although I do occasionally skip ahead a tiny bit if I'm waiting on a book from the library or have to order it because it doesn't exist at any libraries nearby. (And blogging about them, because I'm that guy.) Which is to say that I skipped ahead one just lately and read Of

Honestly I think The Oatmeal ruined Tesla for me.

As usual with the Mythbusters, their testing methods were bunk. If they'd calculated the natural frequency of the structures that they were testing it on, they might have actually proved something.

I had no idea Umberto Eco was still alive.

I really hate to bring Voyager into this, but that series brings up the prospect of "holographic rights" with The Doctor, and the notion that holograms who are self-aware and (artificially) intelligent deserve the opportunity for life/liberty/pursuit of happiness just as much as robots do.

This sounds really intriguing! Adding The Pride of Chanur (the first book of the series apparently) to my reading list.

I read Why We Broke Up a couple of years ago and I loved it. Nobody was interested in dating me when I was a teenager, but I could still definitely relate.

Don't quote me on this, but I believe I've read somewhere that literacy/the written word on its own has decreased people's ability to remember things, so the internet can't be good for it either.

I guess I can believe that none of the panelists knew about the twins' abortion episode from the original, but I was sad not to see it mentioned.

Disagree, the so-called "Canadian raise" is far more aggressive in Torontonians than it is in the west, although I will admit to it being present here as well. It seems to just gradually dissipate as one moves from east to west. It's also very hard for us to hear ourselves, because "aboot" doesn't accurately

This sounds a lot like the way me and my sister are. We're still living together and we'll frequently finish each other's sentences and/or make the exact same comment in response to something that someone has said.

I taught my little sister to tie her shoes, which actually amazes me to this day. I read to my brother tons, from the Dr. Seuss alphabet book (with a full series of actions associated) to the first Harry Potter book (with horrible British accents and unique voices for all of the characters).

As the oldest sibling, I've gotten LilSis and LilBro into quite a few of the things I like, although sadly neither of them seems to care much for Star Trek, possibly due to not being old enough to remember watching TNG as kids.

I've kind of been avoiding everything about this movie because I seem to like alternating Aronofsky films and I'm due to like this one so I'd like to be surprised in terms of the content.

My D&D group has been doing potlucks the last couple of times we've gotten together and I have to say I can't understand why potlucks have been such a rarity in my life to date, because everyone makes such delicious food. Last weekend we had ribs, lamb stew, biscuits, a hashbrown casserole, and my two contributions:

There's still snow on the ground here, too, but I think I'll move the planters out of the garage and into the back yard this weekend. My new place faces south, which is excellent because I hate the sun, but might put something of a damper on the patio garden thing.

And that single hair is also the only hair that is found in the victim's house. There is no other hair or fibre of any kind in the house.

I hope you'll also be participating in the forums and possibly even the real life aspects of NaNoWriMo. My first year was 2005 and I've been doing it ever since, because it's basically the only time I can get myself to write anymore (thanks, Engineering!). Anyway, the NaNo community can be… interesting, but I don't

Jane Eyre will always have a very special place in my heart, but Anne is amazing. I haven't read Agnes Grey yet, but this has reminded me to bump it further up on my reading list.

Bought that for my friend and can't wait until she finishes it so that I can read it.