
The only way I'll be happy with Green Arrow moving forward is the abandon making him a 20-something dude with abs and just restore dirty old man, super-liberal Ollie. While I love Arrow, the upcoming run from writers of the show sounds like too much of a compromise between the show and the Ollie we all knew and loved.

Like Prometheus.

Sadly, this is the end of a two-year run. I believe Lemire's issue next month is part of the Future's End crossover, so I'm treating this issue as a jumping off point.

HANK PYM: So you got your hearing back when Franklin Richards resurrected you?

HA. We are just not agreeing today, dude.

Do we all agree that season 6 is the true weak point?

Yeah, the tonal shifts between Buffy and Angel might be jarring, but I enjoyed getting 2 hours of Whedon programming every week back in high school.

How would you deal with the 1 or 2 crossovers? Especially the one we wouldn't want to spoil for someone who hasn't seen the series yet.

To build on what Jordo said, I'd even encourage watching Angel simultaneously. Once Angel starts, watch Buffy and Angel in airdate order. I watched the episodes as they aired, but I had a friend who watched the series 7 years later and did the Buffy/Angel alternation and loved it.

I started with Annihilation. Read all tie-ins. It was great.

For the longest time, it was the only Dr. Strange I read outside of the Ditko stuff. So I was missing 40+ years of continuity and still fucking loved it.

It's a fucking crime that Martin isn't doing interiors on a Doctor Strange book. When he was announced as one of the rotating artists on Daredevil, I was so psyched. I think he only did like 4 or 5 issues. :(

If you want a nice, short, weird palate cleanser, read Vaughn/Martin's Doctor Strange: The Oath. Easily one of my favorite stories with one of my favorite characters.

Yeah, the delays and the fact that there was an end in sight made me realize that this series doesn't need my money. This will make for a hell of a read in 2019 when Aja finally finishes his pencils.

That's a bag of dicks.

You ever notice that Clint Eastwood has basically aged into a Frank Miller drawing?

Jimmy Olsen as a huge turtle held my interest, but not for long. And the fact that Superman's face had to be redrawn from Kirby's style was upsetting.

Love New Gods, though I've yet to read volume 4. The Jimmy Olsen and Forever People stuff were fucking snoozers. Mister Miracle was highly entertaining, and New Gods was a height to which all other comics should aspire as far as I'm concerned.

What did we do that we're suddenly getting spammed so fucking much? Has traffic increased significantly to the point where Comics Panel is a significant part of the site? Could this be good news for young Mr. Sava?

This brings up a good point: how long do we think the original X-Men team will continue to be in the present? It's going on 2 years right now, and I can't imagine Marvel committing to it for much longer; however, All-New X-Men is repeatedly the highest selling X-title month-to-month. I wonder how much of that is