
I highly recommend the Rogers Batman hardcover was released 2 or 3 years ago. Easily some of my favorite Batman stories, and Rogers draws the definitive Joker. I'm sure a lot of people here would back me up on that.

Queens Comfort. Ever been? Stopped by yesterday. Had sriracha mac and cheese balls, an empanada with beef and cheese and pickles, and an Oreo/Nutella ice cream sandwich. Dope all around.

Oh, yeah! I also picked up Transformers vs GI Joe. I was visiting my parents in south Jersey last weekend and noticed Tom Scioli was signing at Level Up Entertainment in Mays Landing, NJ. Chatted with Scioli and picked up signed copies of 0 and 1 for myself, a friend, and the wall of a Queens restaurant where a friend

Why'd Marvel pick now to put out a Storm book? I feel like they've made really weird choices with the X-books this past year.

ComiXology is a great app that allows you to read comics on tablets, phones, computers.

What did everyone read this week?

I'd mess with a latter-day Ditko story regardless of who's writing it. Thanks for the heads-up, brother!

Speaking of which: whatever happened to Terry Berg?

I think I need to read the post-Typhoid Mary stuff for that, right? The Lone Stranger trade was OK, but I despised the Typhoid Mary stuff. Especially since it seemed like lazy writing to say, "Well, Born Again showed that Karen is the one thing that keeps Matt sane when everything else goes to shit… how about we take

I'M SO EXCITED THAT WE'RE GETTING KAREN PAGE ON THE SHOW. Makes it that much more likely that we'll get a Born Again adaptation.

I never got into the Nocenti. Lots of purple prose, though the JRJr art was pretty great. What did you like about it?

It's all about Born Again. Mazzuchelli's art is gorgeous too. Actually got him to sign my copy at Midtown Comics a few years back. I just gushed about how much I loved the story and asked if he does commissions. He laughed and said, "No." It was one of my more awkward signing experiences.

Definitely easier than that. Honestly, anything with the Owl is a joy to read. The stuff around ol' Leland is a bit… challenging though.

Yeah, that can handle a lot of the heavy lifting the Marvel Masterworks would handle. I'm a huge Daredevil fan and was very bored by the Lee stuff; if he reminded us that "justice is blind too" one more time, I was going to lose my shit. And there's no Kirby or Ditko art to keep me interested, though I love Everett

Great plan. I'd recommend replacing the Marvel Masterworks with Daredevil Yellow (a more modern take on what happens in those issues, written by Jeph Loeb before he lost his shit) and making sure that you read Born Again as part of your Miller reading. Born again is CRUCIAL to seeing how great Bendis' stuff is.

DOPE. I cannot say it enough. That book is DOPE.

Her projects don't really sell, right? That's been the main reason she hasn't gotten those opportunities. The Movement tanked, and Batgirl's numbers are mainly due to Bat-family involvement.

Yeah, dude. Bendis' Daredevil is great, especially if you read it after Born Again. Born Again told a well-constructed, perfectly executed story that every Daredevil writer copied verbatim again and again for the 10 or so years following. Bendis stepped forward and destroyed each of those cliches one by one and helped

Any lovers of Carey's X-Men Legacy want to step up and tell me why it's so loved? I'm genuinely curious.