
His wings are dumb as shit. I think that was my first indication that the New 52 might not be for me.

I identify artists when they're the reason I buy the book.

I was pleasantly surprised with Wolf, though that last page was a groaner. I've always thought punny/jokey names for characters is a sign that the writer has no idea. Will give Kot the benefit of the doubt.

And every single Snyder story has to end with Bruce recouperating from his wounds while talking with Alfred about how he's worried for Gotham or whatever. We get it.

Streets of Gotham had so much going for it (Dini writing street-level stories, the general "anything can happen" feeling post Batman RIP, the continuation of DC's incredible Manhunter series as a backup), and somehow managed to be fucking awful. Just really uninspired stories, and it felt like Andreyko was holding

It depends when the comics were released for me. Pre-80s, many comics were colored using colored guides created by bored secretaries, not someone with an art background; every now and then, though, you'd get someone like Marshall Rogers who (I believe) colored his own stuff.

Great stuff, dude. Where'd you leave off?

Yes, without a doubt.

Did you never mess with Essentials?

Nice, dude. Knew you'd love The Oath. Makes me wish Marcos Martin would get back on a monthly and keep on schedule. Has anyone read the digital book he's doing with BKV? I downloaded it and have never read it.

Also, I snapped up the first 10 or so issues of Soule's Red Lanterns during Comixology's 2/8/14 (GET IT?) sale. Good stuff all around! I'm just waiting for another sale to get caught up. I dunno, nothing I've read from DC recently with the exception of Lemire's Green Arrow (RIP) speaks to me enough that I'd pay full

Her origin was actually updated in the second volume of Uncanny X-Force. There's a dumb fucking panel of her as a child in some wreckage that has a caption reading, "Long before 9/11, Storm had the distinction of being the only survivor of a plane that crashed into a building."

What did everybody read this week?

Chuck Dixon is the fucking best.

I definitely think I need to read New Mutants just to understand why the fuck people care so much about those characters. Cannonball, Sunspot, Moonstar, Karma, and others get so much love that I never really understood. Those original New Mutants comics are supposed to be incredible, though; Junot Diaz is a fan!

Have you read any other Fraction?

I THINK that's all Kate-in-LA or very-special-issues-unrelated-to-the-ongoing-story material.

…is it lame that this intrigues me?

Remember when Ollie didn't interact with a superhero for 80 issues?

And don't get me wrong, the tv show people might be great. I'm just waiting for reviews of the first few issues.