
I guess I'm referring to both Hourman AND Allred above?

The Mike Allred SOLO issue was great cover-to-cover. I'm particularly fond of the "real-time" Hourman story. He doesn't get enough love!

::cough, cough::Go digital::cough, cough::

Shit. How IS reading a comic together? I've never done that. Does it get obnoxious waiting for someone to finish the page so you can turn it?

Last of the Innocent was probably my favorite criminal trade as well as my favorite Brubaker work, which surprised me since I found volumes 4 and 5 of Criminal lacking. But the Archie pastiche really gave Brubaker/Phillips a lot to do.

The Ellis departure is depressing too. I just bought a subscription through Marvel last week. I wonder if they'll cancel it or just, I dunno, give it to Gerry Dugan?

I would love to read Uncanny X-Men, but I cannot get into Bachalo. It's interesting to hear that stuff is actually happening in a Bendis X-Men book.

What did everybody read this week?

(Spoilers and what-have-you)

Related to Morrison: the BATMAN AND SON deluxe hardcover is onsale at Comixology for the next week; $5.99 for 15 issues! I snapped that motherfucker right up. It's Morrison's entire run up to R.I.P., skipping issues for fill-ins and Resurrection of Ras Al Ghul.

Rock of Ages is the highpoint, but everything before and after is still incredible. Enjoy, brother!

The crossover fear is the one reason I'm not bothering with this. Aside from that, Lemire's GA is solid enough that JLU might be worth a try.

I WANT to make a Wendigo gimmick account and comment "WENDIGOOOOOOOOOOO!" on this… but that will take more effort than the gag deserves.

Do you mean the Claremont/Jim Lee omnibuses? That's kind of where shit started falling apart with the introductions of Jubilee (she's annoying as shit) and Gambit (who at that point should just have been called "This-Character-Sure-Is-Better-at-Being-a-Badass-than-Wolverine Man.")

Arguments about comic books aren't worth having once someone drops the Comic Book Guy insult, right?

Yes, but it's nowhere near as heinous as the Alan Davis hardcover in terms of not completing stories.


In which case, great job with your last page reveals, Bendis! Top notch! Keep up the good work!

Michelinie/MacFarlane Spider-man: First Venom and great art

Second on the Astonishing book. That was a lot of fun that I was not expecting to have.