
Ha. I think Danny as a billionaire gives him the means to travel on a whim and be an international adventurer. Also, keep in mind that he needs to be someone with the means to travel to the Himalayas as a child; rich parents are the only thing that could make that happen.

First colorist I ever noticed was Justin Ponsor on Ultimate Spider-man. He would wash backgrounds in the color opposite the hero's main color on the color wheel, helping the hero to pop that much more against the background. Amazing stuff.

What did everyone read this week?

It's all about the Orphan. His story is the story of X-Force/X-Statix as far as I'm concerned.

Let me know about the readability of the edition? I'm contemplating it, but I love digital.

Rucka is my favorite writer. Checkmate is without a doubt his best Big Two work. You are going to love the shit out of it, though I recommend you read his Detective Comics run, then the OMAC Project (you can decide whether Infinite Crisis is necessary. I'd say you can skip it with some Wikipedia-ing), then Checkmate,

I snatched up all of the Lemire Green Arrow available in last week's Comixology sale. Now that I have a tablet again, I'll tear through them sometime this weekend.

Go back and read Stern/Byrne Captain America (Cap For President!!) I just finished it and was glad to be reminded how great of a draftsman Byrne used to be. His line used to be so clean and distinctive, and his sense of visual storytelling was so clear.

I read issues here and there. Silver Centurion Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Mockingbird are involved, so it's a lineup I enjoyed quite a bit.

And I think he was involved in a handful of the first issues of West Coast Avengers, teased as a new member.

Godzilla Bankrolls, I don't think I ever told you how much I like your username. Keep up the great work!

I think the Shroud is SF's other superhero? Can someone back me up on that?

Thanks, dude!

Please report back about Uber Alles. I'm on the fence with that regarding readability of the huge-ass edition. I stick to digital typically, but buying the Uber Alles would give me the same content for half the price it would cost me digitally.

Didn't realize Gleason did Aquaman work. Will have to hunt that down!

Daredevil 1 was just consistently funny. Lots of good humor in there.

Did you read his "Batman Zombie" story from the recent Batman: Black and White #1? Its all pencils. The art is pretty good. The story is utter (fun) nonsense.

Are Adams' pencils still top-notch? Because that story combined with his pencils could make for the greatest artistic achievement of the past decade. At least at DC!

What did everyone read this week?

Sounds like a real clusterfuck.