
This is actually 1/3 to 1/2 cheaper than the digital copies! Damn. If I didn't have mixed feelings about having a 1,200-page book to lug around, I'd be ON this.


I really want to read that out of train wreck fascination. Worth it?

Also, regarding Superior Foes, I fucking LOVE Bullseye, so getting him back in action (even if it was an LMD) was great. The four-panel sequence ending in "You been telling LIIIIIIIIES, Freddie!" was just great.

How are you reading the old Flash stories? Contrary to what I said above, this is some 60s DC that I might read.

Which? Where? What?

Sure is, dude. It also features the LOTDK story they did in 2000-something AND the issue of two Rogers did before Englehart came onboard.

The page transitions in that run are great too. I loved when you'd see Joker's hand "turning" a page at the bottom right corner.

I'm scared to read TOO much Waid, because I'm scared to discover the one or two runs where his general awesomeness DIDN'T hold out. I'm sure those exist. They have to. Right?

What is the Avatar house style? I know nothing of Avatar.

Fuck all that noise. GET MONEY, JORDO.

You can't help but feel that Ellis is poking fun at his own tendencies with Nextwave.

Yeah, I think I've rarely given up on a comic that I bought and started reading. The Davis volume came close, though, just out of frustration.

Yeah, that's why I'll be reading Hawkeye on Marvel Unlimited. The skewed chronology and tandem stories would have been okay if the book were double-shipping. It's just obnoxious with all the delays and fill-ins this experiences.

Basically I would gladly read a Marvel Comic from 1962 although I find Stan Lee's dialogue grating. It would be a hardcover endurance test to read a Batman comic from 1962, and I fucking love Batman better than I love members of my own family.

Yeah, that's basically what keeps me from experimenting with pre-70s DC Comics. There's a reason DC has the reputation as the more staid, traditional, boring company; they put out 30 years of boring-as-shit comics. We only got O'Neal/Adams GL/GA and Batman and Kirby's Fourth World once Marvel started to push superhero

Ha. I copped the Alan Davis one at NYCC for $20, which is the perfect amount of money to spend on that.

I read the first trade. I think I remember a character getting his dick cut off? I think.

Yeah, I have a feeling this series will make a nice binge reading when it's all up on Marvel Unlimited. Still haven't touched Avengers Academy, though, beyond the first issue.

Yeah, those Batman-by-creator hardcovers are fucking CRUCIAL, but I've avoided the Aparo one for the reason you just cited.