Ellis' run? I read it about 10 years ago and wasn't horribly impressed. I'd like to revisit it, though the entire concept of The Authority always struck me as "extreme for extremeness' sake." Maybe that's just Millar's run leaving a bad taste in my mouth, though.
Besides that, I've just read the first 4 issues since they were free on Comixology. And they were AWESOME.
People. I was really hoping that Comixology would put the previous 40 issues on a 99 cent sale in the leadup to the new shit dropping. They haven't. I have a tax return to pay for it and everything. Is there any chance of this happening, or should I give up?
I always took their not reprinting Priest's run as their desire to retcon it and sweep it under the rug. Especially (SPOILERS) with T'Challa's "condition" at the end of the run.
I was so angry when Hudlin's run basically reversed everything that happened in Priest's. Especially the de-evolution of Everett Ross.
I love JRJr, but you get a "like" for expressing your disgust with humor.
But the Doop issue. Lord, the Doop issue…
The biggest fuck-up is the concept of a house art style. Why on earth does anyone think that's a good idea? This pretty much pisses on the idea of there being something for everyone.
Alba's on Ditmars, but I digress.
YEAH, Doyle's the real treasure there for me. Her Quantum and Woody issues were outstanding.
I didn't even like the Azzarello stuff much, but I still respected what they were doing. New 52 should have been a revamp from the ground up or maintained prior continuity.
LOVED this mini when I first started reading comics. I'd like to revisit it and see if it holds up.
I've never once encountered this. And I hope I don't. Save your receipts I guess?
Oh MAN. I try not to be too fanboyish. But oh MAN.
HOL. LEE. SHIT. You just said "Fin Fang Foom." That's an instant buy as far as I'm concerned. I was on the fence for FF, but I'll at least try the first issue!
I've decided to wait for Hawkeye to show up on Marvel Unlimited. The Kate issues have been insufferable and the gap between Aja issues hasn't been great. Hearing that #18 will be the content of a television special mentioned in 2 panels of a 2 year-old comic just makes me feel more confident in my choice.
Not familiar with using it in a browser. The app is incredible easy to scroll, allowing you to jump between the first letters of titles and providing a "Recently Purchased" section.
Fraction's run played with it A LITTLE in the early issues.