The Immortal Goon

North Korea does not claim to be socialist, let alone communist. Nor do any Marxists I have ever heard claim North Korea. They are not even philosophically materialists. Juche is the state ideology.

I totally disagree with the, "CDs are nothing more than vessels for digital files," part of things.  They can be digital files, but they also fulfill the tactile demand and have the conventional art, but also some of the cases are actual pieces of art too.  I still buy everything on CD that I like.  CDs are the

The thirty seconds I watched saved me from the minutes I may have wasted watching Fox's ADHD.

Bad Teachin' 2: Educational Boogaloo

I totally agree.  This has been set up and alluded to throughout the series.  In Q Who? Guinen and Q talk about how humanity is moving and evolving too quickly.  In the first episode, it's about human reaching a threshold where they're going to quickly evolve.  We see other species doing the same - taking the steps to

Worf and Troi would have made a superior child - slightly empathic and strong as shit.  It's not really that I liked them as a couple that much, but I did think that it was something that sort of made an odd sense as for a while they had been using the other as a counter to the other in the series.  It was the same

Powells still survives.  I suppose I've always been fortunate to be an Oregonian in that regard.  Powells was, and is, the independent bookstore that Borders and Barnes and Nobles tried to be.

Speaking of Sequals I never wanted…
They should have just given me all the money wasted to make this pile.

1. I think within "fandom" there is a lot of retconnng involving the Godlike beings and the Q. For instance, "God" from STV: http://memory-alpha.org/wik…

Rascals has its moments, particularly Picard as a young man. The scene with young Keiko and O'Brien was brilliantly uncomfortable. And I sympathized with Ro in a lesser way I sympathized with Picard, but in a similar way. Too much of TV romanticizes being a kid. I hated being a little kid. Maybe I'm glad about

Office Space and Others
I don't know how I missed this for so long.

Arnold, arms in hands, seeing Richter at the party

First Contact also needs to be viewed in the context of the time. There was a big interest in visitors coming to Earth and alien abductions and shadowy government programs. The X-Files, a year or two later, is the biggest manifestation of this interest - but it was a curiosity that was going on at the time.

About Keiko being annoying and O'Brien putting up with it, to some extent this is an Irishism.
I suppose it's more of a stereotype than anything, but the hard-as-nails colleen busting balls while the fir takes it and goes with the lads and talks tough over a pint is a pretty well established thing. Think Matt Damon

I really do enjoy the series a lot though, and it is thematic. Further, the title alone implies a certain emphasis on MTV friendly things and, as has been noted, nin was the only industrialish band to make that jump - KMFDM was sampled by MTV News and Ministrty made a guest appearance - but never really were big

Wax Trax! Was the 90s
Did you just do an article about Chicago's music in the 90's and not even mention Wax Trax!?

I agree that we shouldn't start a big flame war, and I agree that there are interesting and engaging parts of DS9. Some of the episodes - like the ones where Sisko is a sci-fi writer in the past, epitomize Trek.

DS9 had some good episodes, but let's be honest - it was Star Trek for people that hated Star Trek at the end. All the underlying themes were thrown to the side and pissed on so Sisko could go bat-shit crazy at the beginning of a season and declare war on the Klingons. Then the Dominion War stuff - while it would

These things are the best part of my Friday, and that's saying a lot.

Bad Guys
Bad guys were always way more compelling on Saturday morning cartoons. They were the ones with an agenda, a plan, and thus usually a personality that was more interesting. The heroes tended to just stop the bad guys.