The Immortal Goon

Me too
"when customs officials seize her nest egg"

1. I would surmise that telling Joan not to get pregnant underlined a certain power women had, and were increasingly exploiting. It was further underlined by the fact Joan made a more money and had a more secure job than her husband. She just found all this out, and yet was used for cheap entertainment despite her

Fall of Camelot
Forgive me, I'm late and haven't read many of the comments.

One of the best things about the movie series was the reaction they had to the past. Kirk's inability to understand money always takes me back to trips abroad where I don't know simple things; McCoy's horror at the ignorance of science makes one remember that even the worst widespread theories of the past

Unified Society
"Okay, so a global unified society wouldn't really work that early in a society's development, but since these episodes work better when you view the "planets" as "countries," let's think in those terms."

While the Vikings with red-hair thing is often said, from what I know the Vikings got their red hair from the Celts in Ireland, Scotland, and continental Europe. There were red-headed Celts before Vikings were ever on the scene. Alexander the Great, for instance, was said to have had red hair and he was (probably)