
My only complaint is that, after a season of build up, the wedding episode itself felt rushed. The cuts were quick, the scenes were short, the wedding ceremony itself was a montage. Robin's "meeting" with the mother took maybe less then a minute. I feel like they could have cut one of the Marshall road trip

Given that Ted was sharing the Gary Blauman epic on his first date with the Mother (with the telling of the Roosevelt-off to Marshall nested inside), that line does make the whole situation extra creepy.

I thought this episode was a lot of filler for one of the last four, but it redeemed itself at the end with the character wrap-ups. The first date was sweet, too.

Jiminy used to wear a little box around his be neck that seemed to be missing here. I had thought it was an amplifier so people could hear him, but maybe it was a translator? Though if it was a translator, how did Grumpy understand him?

I did this at a wedding that I knew a bunch of people from work were going to attend. It was really early in the pregnancy, and we weren't telling anyone yet, and my co-workers are total booze hounds who were going to push drinks at me the entire party. So I cornered a waitress and asked her to keep bringing me

I initially thought pregnancy test, but then couldn't figure out why Lily would have been boozing all weekend long if she thought she was pregnant. So the cigarette theory worked for me until the reveal.

No. Maggie was taunting Marty by saying the quality of the sex she had that one time with Rust was better then the quality of all the sex she'd had with Marty since the kids were born.

I agree with your theory of a victim/cult member getting out of control. I think that the 17 year gap between the more public ritual killings (the one that started the series, and the most recent one that Rust is the primary suspect for) is the most interesting part. It allows for TWO different killers - with the

Rust's "crackpot" reputation is one thing that has bothered me about the police in this show. I know they're all supposed to seem fairly incompetent (or criminally complicit) next to Rust. And I know Rust has a very abrasive personality. But everyone knows Rust is brilliant at breaking people down. Given the level

Ah ha! I thought maybe I had imagined that Audrey spent time in New Orleans. And the scene we learn that in was shortly after Rust finished telling Marty that the cult/Yellow King had likely had a "big year" in New Orleans after Katrina. I don't think Audrey's doing well at all. I think she was victimized by the

Is it the same home planet that Robin flew back to at the end of Sunrise?

"So I've decided that the Mother is sick in 2024. Things don't look good, but not impossible. What saves her is some sort of transplant from Robin"

I wonder if those two guys are going to turn up in the How I Met Your Dad spin off?

I think it was real, because otherwise we still need Robin to confirm, as future Ted tells the kids, that she wanted Ted to kiss her on their first date.

I don't think it should count for Marshall and Lily - they're already in a relationship. The true essence of the Naked Man, IMHO, is using it as an ice breaker for the first date or first sexual encounter.

The key words there are "on some level." Just because she isn't 100% ecstatic with her life all the time doesn't mean she would change what she has. Lily wasn't going to go to Italy if Marshall wasn't on board with the decision. If she were as uncommitted to the family as Marshall is implying here, then Lily would

The low part of that conversation, to me, wasn't that Marshall threw the break-up back in her face. It was when Marshall said that he and their son were basically her second choice - mere placeholders for a happier life she wished she had been able to make in San Francisco with an art career. It implies that Lily is

He could be imagining things on a drunken bender, too. That brilliant Danger Zone promo could just be a tease for a full-season Archer blackout.

I have been wondering if the whole MX line will turn out to have some sort of notorious flaw, like the DRNs. Something tied into the criminal ring that Kennex has been chasing since he was injured.

The only thing I could think of about the money issue was that the black market heart was - at least initially - somewhat cheaper than having to pay out of pocket for a stem-cell heart or biomechanical heart. AFTER the black market heart was in, THEN the extortionists jacked up the price. The victims had no choice