
Yes. The police chief of Vinci brought his cops with him to the meet up. That's why lieutenant white guy McMurderson was there.

Will Gendry's blacksmithing finally pay off?

And all that talk last week about "stripping her down"

I hope not. It's pretty much a terminal condition. I would find it pretty damn grim if the army of humanity had to infect itself to survive the battle against the Others, but would still lose all those volunteers to death anyway.

Agreed. I thought she was going to be Val.

I hope not. It would be really grim for the army of humans to have to infect themselves with terminal grayscale in order to fight next to dragons and not be obliterated by their fire, and still be doomed to die if they survive the battle.

Did they burn that giant corpse at the Wall? Because if they didn't, there will be an undead giant when the Night's King comes around.

I'm wondering about that. Her sword is actually a reforged blade - will it still have the same effect as the original Valerian?

But book Sansa is also heading for a political marriage, and given Martin's track record, why should we expect her wedding night to be pleasant?

Yes, I get the sense that Sansa is going to get a political marriage in the Vale, and her wedding night is not going to be pleasant at all.

Because "the North remembers," I'm wondering if we'll get some Frey pie at Sansa's wedding. With Fat Walda filling, as she is the only Frey near Winterfell that the audience remembers or cares about.

I wonder if ballerina is hint at a possible Red Room agent, like Black Widow?

Except there was a female voice talking to Jarvis when Peggy showed up at his house in the afternoon.

The matron may have overheard the activities that happened after the guy climbing the pipe made it to the right room.

Agent Carter also has the benefit of being a contained mini-series. Unlike most TV shows, the writers know the end date, and can pace the plot and character developments appropriately.

Can we all take a moment to laugh at Skye's field uniform? What was up with the cowl-neck jumpsuit?

I have an idea for point 1. I think when Ariel dove in the water, she swam down and managed to save Hook from the sharks/bubbling water of doom/drowning. She then convinced him to tell her where Eric was.

I think Zelena still wants Regina's heart, but she decided to also try and thwart Emma, who like's Regina, and has the power to stop Zelena.

Actually, that might explain why the kids were shocked in the first episode when Ted talks about meeting their AUNT Robin. The kids sat through that first story, and thought the whole time he was talking about their mother, Robin.

My hope is that the Mother and Robin will get to have a longer conversation at the reception.