
If I squint a little at that logic, I can kind of see it. Not sure why killing someone with a plainly cursed and evil dagger isn't magical enough, but okay, OUAT, you make the rules. I'm also not sure why Pan needs to be killed by magical means since his magic had supposedly run out (which is why he needed Henry's

How long will it take Snow to fix her terrible FTL hair?

I was happy with Felix's death because his character annoyed me.

And just what the hell did Emma and Henry do after they drove back to civilization? Emma would have been off the grid from her old life for two or three years - no job, and only MAYBE a bank account. Henry wouldn't have any school records. If all Regina did was create some memories, then Emma and Henry would be in

Given that Regina broke the curse, I really hope that she has redeemed herself enough for the townspeople of Storybrooke. It would suck if they all band together to make a new life, but insist that she has to go off on her own.

The death scene was amazing, but I'm confused. I know, I know, I'm thinking too hard about OUAT again, but the question remains: WHY did Rumple have to kill himself? Couldn't he have just stabbed Pan with the dagger and called it good?

Pan's shadow creature swooped down and ripped Blue's shadow away. And apparently that makes you die. Even though Rumple cut his own shadow off in Neverland and seemed just fine. Maybe that's a Dark One perk?

Except that I didn't understand why Rumple said that about the curse. Rumple is the person who who created the curse, and who included Emma as a fail safe; Regina is merely the person who cast the spell. So it seems to me that if Pan is recasting the curse as it was handed to Regina, Emma should still be hard-coded

Felix still sounds like an idiot. No slight on the actor, but all the lines they give him are incredibly wooden. While I'm sure it will be Rumple's heart that Pan has to use to re-cast the curse, I have some hope it will be Felix - I want that character to die and go away forever.

My husband and I had to rewatch the scene with Jafar and guest arriving in Wonderland several times, because we were laughing so hard at the CG. When they landed, it was like they just dragged and dropped pictures of the characters on to the ground. We also laughed hilariously at the preview for the next episode,

I thought her character was pretty much a bitch, but it would have been nice if she'd actually tried to fight the Shadow off. She looked like an extra from Birds, the way she was just running away.

I figured it out early, too. With the early emphasis on Barney's determination to get Robin back for the bachelor party kidnapping, I was looking for a long con.

Conceded. And now I want to see the portal jumping aardvark.

Let me try to make some sense of this. I think that, before the curse broke, magic stopped cursed people from leaving town at all. Henry said that "bad things happened" to people who tried to leave. After the curse broke, THEN the effect of not being able to cross the line without losing your memory kicked in. It

Tangent: The Continuity Fixing Poison. What I loved about that part was that it wouldn't have been necessary if the writer's hadn't decided to screw up the continuity in the first place. Regina didn't know who Emma was in the first episode, and there's never been a contradictory statement that she did. So really,

They should have had a 13 episode final season to wrap things up. Dragging a whole weekend out over 24 episodes necessitates filler.

Considering that in Thor 2, Darcy specifically said that she had been trying to contact SHIELD, they could have set a really funny scene with her yelling at Coulson-the-ipod-thief for being weeks late and no longer needed. (I'm not sure that Darcy would even knew Phil died, so seeing him alive would not be a serious

I was pleased with the little bit of character development for Ward. Everything else was brick dull.

Don't forget Detective Moseby finally giving up on the Pineapple case.

Walt should have explained the second phone away when Skyler first questioned him by saying that the phone was to talk to his pot dealer, and that he was smoking pot to help with the side effects of his chemo. It was trying to pretend that the second phone never existed that really bothered Skyler the most.