
"Okay, I need you to take a year - a whole year - and just be celibate. You know I'm right about this."

Love made a score keeping error that day, and also had the flu.

He's trying to pick her up in a pharmacy while holding DIAPERS. If I were The Mother, I would assume Barney was 1) a father, 2) in a relationship of some sort with the baby's mother, and 3) that it the relationship probably wasn't a very happy one since Barney was hitting on me.

Actually, in order for Ted to fall instantly in love with her, and justify his life long quest to find The One, she does have to be the perfect woman. And she also has to be amazing enough to earn the unreserved approval of all of Ted's friends. I don't really think we're going to get time to explore the Mother's

They could own a Scuba diving school and hunt for submerged treasure in their free time…

I do like the chemistry between Alice and Will, but I think it's just that they've had the most scenes together - they seem like a natural pair because the actors have had time to find their balance with each other. Alice's love of Cyrus is the driving force of the plot. As boring as I find the two of them, I just

Except that I guess I just don't care about That One Time That Snow Met A Mermaid And Even Got Turned Into A Mermaid For Like Two Minutes. It was still just a rehash of Snow on the run from Regina, and Regina looking for Snow so she could make Snow's life miserable. It felt like there was no purpose to the

They've set up at least one villain to recur, if not two (the gravity scientist and Blaze the fire guy [because did you really expect a fire-based dude to just die in an explosion?]). They have the sooper sekrit organization working to develop powers in ordinary humans for probably nefarious purposes. The pieces are

Given the episode title, was I the only one that expected Fitz to be the one with death hanging over him?

The nerds were great this episode because the got to slow down a little and have some conversations that weren't just technobabble. Skye was better this episode, because it was about what she was feeling, and not about her super hacking. Ward got to play the protector, but he wasn't an overbearing presence. Coulson

The Clint stuff was a bummer, but I did like that Marshall was suitably upset that a virtual stranger just decided to interfere in his marriage.

The point was that Pete WASN'T necessary, but that his ex was guilting him into helping her because she could. He really did need to stand up to her.

Ted got rid of his apartment, too, because he thinks he's going to Chicago. Are Barney and Robin still looking for a new place? Are all four of them homeless now? If they all stay in New York, maybe they'll be forced to share Ted's house for a year…

Maybe this will be how the Mother meets Robin. Ted is supposed to be the last person to meet her. And we know the Mother can cook (Sumbitches) - maybe she gives Robin omelette tips.

I enjoyed the episode because the "No questions asked!" stories were (except for Barney's) pretty hilarious. Otherwise, yes. I'm irritated to be at the exact same story point.

Yeah, the accent made me cringe.

Maybe the show will strand them both in Neverland - after all, if David has to stay, Snow would stay with him. After the gang defeats Pan, they can stay and parent all the Lost Boys to make up for the fact they never got to parent Emma.

I was pleasantly surprised to see her loosen up a bit as Anastasia. Suddenly, she could express emotions other than haughtiness and disdain. I have a half-baked theory now that the character herself is actually uncomfortable being Queen, and she's trying to cover for it with the attitude.

I consider it a Whedon show because he's the guy in charge of the Marvel movie-verse, and the show is a clear tie-in to that world. I expect him to be involved, because the product is supposed to fit neatly into the world he's managing; it is his overall vision, if not his exact words. He's an executive producer,

I think the idea is that he was a pretty textbook agent before - more like Ward and Melinda May. He was very by-the-book in the movies, but with flashes of good humor. Now he's put together a team of odd-balls, and he's bringing in people SHIELD would normally be monitoring, and flying around in a sooper secrit spy