Captain Assholay

This is definitely in the bottom 10% of "I'm back, baby" moments.

Because they spit hot fire?

I think that would be a better movie.

An engineer will be along shortly to explain to you how discriminatory those contractors were being by supporting gay employees. The anti-straight genocide is totally real!

Which one of them gets to yell "shadduppayouface!" as a catch phrase?

Ever since Trevor Noah pointed out Trump's vagina neck, I haven't been able to unsee it.

It looks like the 4 Horseman took a dump in the ring and left that!

"No, it's an illusion."
"Yeah, it is confusing!"

Yeah, that's a big reason why I dig their stuff. They're really good at that double-positive reaction: "Wow, that was a cool trick," followed by, "Wow, that's really clever how they did it."

I've caught pieces of that show here and thereā€¦it's pretty entertaining. I feel like really good magic tricks are impressive even once the secret is revealed. Like, "Wow, that took some real skill to pull off," instead of "I had a machine built to make this happen, and then I used bullshit camera angles."

Way to interrupt a good "WELL, ACKCHOOALLY!" with basic facts, Professor Jerkenstein.

There it is.

That is an interesting angle I never really considered before.

This might be the first time I've ever given props to Taylor Swift, but she's earned a whole shit-ton of them for this. Good on ya, Taylor Swift.

"Both Nazis and the people who oppose them are products of the same progressive-dominated school system and pop culture. So this is entirely the fault of The Left." (Sadly, I didn't make that one up.)

Fascism, yes! Body fascism, nein!

The ol' switcheroo!

Good lord.


Yes, but isn't opposing Nazis really the same thing as being a Nazi if you are dumb and don't understand how anything works?