
Herzog's Curious George
For anyone who laughs every time they hear Herzog speak, this is brilliant and hilarious:

The Fortune of War inspired me to go visit the USS Constitution (not exactly a hike considering I lived in MA). Big disappointment though: the masts and rigging are down until 2011 so they can redo the deck. Still fascinating though.

Holy Shit: AV Club covering M&C. I just peed myself a little.

Benny, bring em everyone.

Mr. Body Massage Machine

Too bad
they cut out the scene where Ed tears Matt LaBlanc's face off.

Fugees and Funyuns

Ratt tickets>Trans Ams>Kittens>Babies

Cash Cab!

Anybody who is in the know, knows that Union Hall stopped being "hip" or even "cool" months ago. Clearly the book tour should make a stop in a vacant lot in East Bushwick.

of my dad's best stories is about Ellsberg. In the winter of '71 he worked in a printshop outside of Boston and late one evening a man and woman came in looking to make a copy of what appeared to be a very large, erudite stack of papers. After my dad finished making the copy, the couple asked for a ride into

Commenting a little late here, but perhaps future generations will find this…
Did anyone think it a little strange that Laird died with a single blow to his head from a medium size wrench? I understand perfectly that these things are possible (cerebral hematomas and what not) but, man, Laird's skull must be paper thin.

I like to think
that I am a member of the UHB

Cut! It! Out!

I will say it: I don't like any of the fucking Jurassic Park films. First one gave me nightmares about raptors for years and now it looks really dated. Second one was basically a long ad for Mercedes and the third one was just Tea Leoni screaming for like 85 minutes. Damn them all.

Perfect Hair Forever
made me choke, I laughed so hard. I do not remember if any intoxicants were involved but I have the imagine they were close by.

Voice of the rabbit - Mario fucking Batali
I shit you not.
How's that for voice casting

Fuck Yah!
Mads Mikkelsen is awesome. Army of Shadows is awesome. Black Book is awesome. Katyn is awesome. The Lives of Others is awesome. Ergo, this movie is going to be awesome!

I have one question: Will Zodiac motherfucker be there?