
I have "ma gavte la nata" tattooed on my arm so here's to pretentious literary tattoos.

Childs, Childs… Chariots of the Gods, man. They practically own South America. I mean, they taught the Incas everything they know.

I was wonderin' when El Capitan was gonna get a chance to use his popgun.

I couldn't help but notice that in the restaurant scene that Ben and Leslie were sharing a bottle of 100 Acre wine. Since the name rang familiar to me, I looked it up. 100 Acre is a Cali "cult wines" and the bottles generally go for $250+. It just struck me as a bit extravagant on a government worker's

May you be cursed with infertility, etc.

We ride together, we die together. Bad boys for life.

-Oh, he was a little guy… Kinda funny lookin'.
-Uh-huh. In what way?
-Oh, just in a general kinda way.

The real question is who would win in a fight:
Battletruck or Supervan?

As a boy of 12 I remember seeing Fistful on television. I will never forget the scene were Steiger and Coburn have just finished firing their machine guns into the convoy of government troops below and they trade these loving looks while Morricone's goofy (and brilliant) soundtrack chimes, "Sun, sun. Sun, sun."

Oddly enough, all of those casting choices work for me.

Fuck you, Saddam Hussein of Iraq!
Fuck you, Ronnie!

What is up with the Harry Palmer movies being out of print? Absolute rubbish.

And I hear the Danish version is actually a sanitized version of the Philippino version, which was really just a 140 minute infomercial for whale balm.

I have
never seen any of these

When Snafu took the gold tooth out of the dead Japanese soldier it brought to mind a decade-old memory from a WWII doc I saw. Some impartial observer, reporter maybe, was walking through a POW camp on one of the islands. He noticed that a large number of the Japanese had blood running out of their mouths. His guide

Basho, you stole my idea, you glorious son of a bitch. Of course I probably wouldn't have ever actually gotten around to it as creating clever Basho-esque haikus is time consuming and difficult. But kudos to you.

Even if it means me taking a chubby, I will suck it up!

"Oh right right, you had the black secretary."
"No, that was Bannex. I had a sheep dog"

See, if they put laudanum in the tonic wine, the violent potential would definitely be reduced. Though the death factor might increase.