
If those cliches were meant to be satire then it was just a stupid idea. 'Cause the best friends and the sister are like sitcom bad and detracted from the movie.

The cool visuals are about the only thing the make Dune worth watching but damn are they inspired. If they had just waited a few more years or invested several million dollars more, that movie could have been a masterpiece. I mean it had fucking Sting.

I hear that Robert Pattinson will be playing Serpentor in the sequel.

Moby Dick and Other Angry Whales

Right now it seems pretty hip to hate on MGMT, so I am going to to be cool and unique and say they are awesome and that their live shows (each and every on of them) are better than whatever you consider to be the best live show you ever saw.

Not Jackie Chan, you crack me up.

Moon was good but I was kinda hoping for at least 4 Sam Rockwells.

The Highlander Soundtrack anyone? That is truly a masterpiece. I tear up every time I hear "Who Wants to Live Forever"

4.5 kg (4,500 g)
2,200 kjoules (per 100 g) = 525 calories (kilocalories)
45 x 525 = 23,625 calories

I think they should just nominate all of the films that come out in 2009. That way no one will get bummed for being left out.

Call me a philistine, but I fucking hated this movie. It almost ruined the medium of film for me. Give me some Melville or Bresson and I am happy but this is pretentious poo poo.

Yes, yes I would.

I don't know
That Carrot Top hair is disconcerting.

Bowie's (Son's) in Space
I hope the twist is that Bowie is in the movie too.

Raptor Island Vs Mega Shark and Giant Octopus

"I'm drinking wine and eating cheese, and catching some rays, you know."
Kelly's Heroes is an awesome movie. So brilliantly absurd. Its like lets just set WWII in the 1970s and see how that works.

I bet he'll be all like, "I've got a top secret mission for you. Schwing!"

I choose to remain psyched for this.

Cantona is awesome 'cause he kicked racist.

"Don't know what you got till its gone" by Cinderella, duh.