
If I had thousands of dollars to just throw away and I owned a gun I would totally buy one of those things and take pot shots at it. Thats kind of sick, isn't it?

As I have yet to see a "Spinal Tap Quotes thread" I would like to commandeer this thread again:

I hear the sound
In a metal way
I feel the power
Rolling off the stage
Cause only one thing
Really sets me free
Heavy Metal
Loud as it can be

Caetano Veloso! I don't really get the whole "Bob Dylan of Brazil" moniker but then again my Portuguese is a little rusty.

I hope you have a spare bowl of candy beans!

I beg to differ. In Pat Garret, Bob Dylan throws a knife threw a man's neck and then gives Kris the thumbs up. Its fucking brilliant. He should have gotten Oscar for that scene alone.

I'll say it: I love checking box-office stats. And I think that the stats do matter. The commercial viability of a director affects what jobs he/she is able to get, the people who will work him/her, whether or not they will have final cut, more influence over their films, etc. And in the end I ultimately root for the

"17 days? Hey man, I don't want to rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last 17 hours!"

Does this mean that ugly people will soon have their own dating show too? Cause i'd probably watch that.

Yah, thanks for fucking with me Rabin. I'm reading all this maudlin shit and then I have no idea what is going on with your entry and had to wikipedia Stuart Murdoch. And what do you know: all lies. I want those 45 seconds I wasted back!

Pre-polio FDR vs 1976 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Strange Days is also really underrated. Perhaps new cult canon fodder? Not that Lewis really adds anything to the movie.