
Game over, man! Game over!

I always enjoy a good sociopath…
…which you must be for laughing at the end of "The Mist." Now, if you laughed at Marcia Harding's performance, then I understand.

I'd do her. She'd be dispersing flocculants all over the place.

I really want to rip this to shreds
…but Tom's a fellow alum. AV Club patrons, take care of this shit for me.

Well, I guess…
Sigur Ros will be happy.

Two points awarded for obscurity. One point deduction for not agreeing.

Why would you opt for massive orange junk…
I'd rather have mind control powers.

@fastandsloppy. L O fucking L!

I'd like to announce my movie…
About Alice in Chains members getting picked off one by one. The antagonist is a demon that refuses to leave them alone, ultimately forcing each of them to take their own lives. It's a metaphor.

You forgot the part…
Where he convinces his family to rob the Armenians and then bitches start losing feet.

Chopped seems to consistently throw the win to the person with the most dramatic back story. It's like Extreme Makeover in that sense.

Fair enough, but Amanda from that season outlasted him. Or, if that's not outlandish enough, how about the season prior when Robin hung around until the top 6.

I'll abandon…
…my typical Gen-X narcissistic detachment for a real theory here. Most of us, in most seasons, could pick the winner (or at least the top 3) within the first weeks of each season. I feel like in the past couple seasons that Top Chef has really tried hard to eliminate good chefs (see: Kenny, season 7)

This is the longest amount of time devoted to a fat girl yet. Sorry, Precious.

They should have the other Ridley direct…
…only then will it be vacant but flashy, like "Man on Fire" and that train flick with the new acne-scarred Captain Kirk.

This is okay…
…the internet is where I masturbate to Summer Glau anyway.

@Greenspan - Was it really a Camaro? I remember it being a very generic red sports car. Wait - that is the definition of a Camaro.

Fucked up is an understatement. Wonder-Twin powers activate. I will become a bucket of water.

They need a remake…
…of that one cartoon where the dude turned into a car when cold shit spilled on him. That would be the shiznit.

Will this movie also…
…be an unapologetic rip-off of the Simpsons?