
Will I have to pay…
…if I want to watch more than 10 minutes in a one week period?

The musical numbers will only be good if sung by a singer without any range whatsoever. We will be led to believe they're actual songs through their lyrics which explain everything very clearly.

I can't wait for the 50 hours to be re-released!

Incorrect. They're both bottoms.

Aren't Haley and the troll supposed to be doing the horizontal shuffle?
I can't imagine a child from that mash-up. It's eyes would be so close together. So… close…

Yeah - I think most are missing the mark on this one. Sure, there's some forced drama in the pilot, but I think it will end up being a lot more smooth in future episodes.

No, he spelled phaggot with a "ph." That decidedly makes him hipster-white.

It's called self immolation. And if you've seen Casablanca and enjoyed, you're welcome to do the same.

I've seen X many of those movies.

I like the one that has an undertone of hatred for white people.

This is all too serious. Can't we just enjoy the man's performance as Hollywood in the movie "Mannequin?"

Is goth icon > gay cowboy icon?

None of this explains…
Why Nickleback sucks SO fucking much.

Not even Superman would fuck with Opus Dei.

You beat me to this by 5 minutes. Damn you.

Bring on the…
…self-flagellating Zod?

Fair enough, let me try again. I thought the series turned to complete shit when SK wrote himself in because rather than it coming off as a well-fit, logical plot device that grew the characters in some way, it instead came off like a cheap, self-serving ploy that stroked SK's ego. It really seemed lazy and poorly

@Fixda - Does unconventionality and 'being meta' automatically make it great literature? Frankly, that series turned to shit with that particular story arc and no subtext, meta, or awesome hipster reference could've picked the corn out it.

That dude from AMC's "The Killing" would be a good Eddie.

What is the deleted scene from the cave in Goonies?