Dr. Freudstein

Not controversial, just wrong. Deodato's a hack.

Suspiria is not a giallo.

Was this written in Dutch? The article, that is.

He was more than "just a Larimer Ave. dago". 


It's really quite better than it has any right to be. And this is coming from someone who once thought it was laughable schlock. It's amazing what a decent print and the intended aspect ratio can do for one's appreciation of a film.

Does it get more accomplished than canine flashbacks?

Based on only having seen The Grapes of Death and one of the lesbian-ish vampire-ish movies, Dr. Freudstein finds this assertion . . . puzzling.

Indeed, a number of them did. Dr. Freudstein has always wondered whether the inclusion of any kind of social commentary was cynical or sincere. Most likely, it lies somewhere in between.

I Walked With a Zombie is one of the better non-flesh-eating-zombie movies Dr. Freudstein has seen, but the good Doctor is quite smitten with most of the Val Lewton-produced RKO horror gems.

If one were so inclined, one might argue that Fulci's Zombi 2 was in fact the spiritual successor to the pre-Romero zombie movies in that it decried the evils of Western colonialism and restored to power the indigenous people with a quite literal uprising, rather than the blatant cash grab it was so often maligned as.

Dr. Freudstein is intimately familiar with that one.

I have not. I always felt that Mattei was one of those true hacks who produce movies so bad they're simply bad. Despite a fondness for schlock, I do prefer my horror movies to have some merit. But if Rats is in the same league as say Lenzi's Nightmare City, then I should probably check it the fuck out.

Sadly, this and Torso are two of Dr. Freudstein's Italian horror blind spots. 

Say what you will about Fulci and good taste, but to call him amateurish is not only unfair, but also inaccurate. As a director he had a great eye for composition and was far from a hack. The often unwieldy zooms . . . those I can't find much of a legitimate defense for. Aside, of course, from being the style at the

Aldo Lado?

It could very well be Bava's Blood and Black Lace.

The Blue Underground Blu-Ray release has both the 'uncut' version (with the language track slipping into Italian) and the US 'director's cut' (not to be confused with the reprehensible edit released as The Hatchet Murders). The US version is leaner and excises much of the playful battle of the sexes. The good doctor

Dr. Freudstein went on a giallo binge when a number of titles were expiring from the Netflixes, and of the many viewed in too short a time, Short Night of Glass Dolls was probably the best of the lot. Of course, this binge did not feature any of the big three (Bava, Argento, Fulci), but focused on the lesser known (to

The New York Ripper is sleaze of the highest order. Dr. Freudstein is a fan.