Dr. Freudstein

Some people, of which Dr. Freudstein might or might not be one, go to great lengths to watch the Bucs. Like illicit JSports streams.

Dr. Freudstein and Lady Freudstein had the pleasure of attending the April Ghouls Drive-In Monster-Rama at the Riverside Drive In in Vandergrift, PA on Fri. evening featuring a marathon viewing of Friday the 13th, The Burning, Return of the Living Dead, and Day of the Dead. In these days of digital, it was more than a

The good doctor can't be the only one to think this looks like shit, can he? In fact, the doctor often cites this as an example of the worst digital film making has to offer with its lack of depth and smeary-poo-like motion. Aside from that, it's a great little flick.

Striking Distance is a fucking masterpiece. According to the Polish Hill Strangler.

I guess someone has to say it, and it might as well be the good doctor; Craven's a hack.

A good rule of thumb if you're looking for transcendence, get something from '73-'74. That was the band at the peak of their improvisational skills and there were far more hits than misses.

A good rule of thumb if you're looking for transcendence, get something from '73-'74. That was the band at the peak of their improvisational skills and there were far more hits than misses.

Dr. Freudstein is shocked to learn of another taper at the AV Club. I gotta ask, what do you run?

Dr. Freudstein is shocked to learn of another taper at the AV Club. I gotta ask, what do you run?

The only live Dead you listen to is Reckoning in that case.

The only live Dead you listen to is Reckoning in that case.

Dr. Freudstein is ashamed to admit that he didn't know it was intended to be shown in 1.37:1.

Dr. Freudstein is ashamed to admit that he didn't know it was intended to be shown in 1.37:1.

And he's great in brown face as Martinez in Dawn.

And he's great in brown face as Martinez in Dawn.

Retarded certainly does appear in the second book. Dr. Freudstein came across it just this morning while enjoying his coffee before heading to the basement to harvest humans to sustain his immortality. Or whatever it is Dr. Freudstein does down there. 

Retarded certainly does appear in the second book. Dr. Freudstein came across it just this morning while enjoying his coffee before heading to the basement to harvest humans to sustain his immortality. Or whatever it is Dr. Freudstein does down there. 

On a scale of One to Striking Distance, it would rate a Lethal Weapon 4, or not very good at all.

On a scale of One to Striking Distance, it would rate a Lethal Weapon 4, or not very good at all.

Say what you will about Halloween III, but Dean Cundey's cinematography is (mostly) marvelous. Also, Pittsburgh's Own Tom Atkins.