
One of the things I think all four of us push ourselves to do is to highlight books that people might have missed. It's particularly clear in Tim and Shea's picks usually, but I also go diving into self-published and webcomics as frequently as I can to make sure folks are finding new things. Vision got covered by

Trust me, I keep shoving it at folks who (inexplicably) haven't heard of it, despite struggling with the first few issues.

Hey, feel free. I fully acknowledge that Ms. Marvel and Moon Girl are just not my thing. I'm more irked about the straight-up Inhuman titles, rather than the "turned into an Inhuman" titles.

I really wish Karnak was the only Inhumans book on the shelf.

Anything to do with "self" pretty much goes straight out the window when you've got a kid, so that's pretty much my first go-to with my friends that are parents.

You also said it felt like we went out of our way to avoid it, which is even more insulting than "disappointed", frankly. It frustrates me how few people really consider the way best of lists actually function for reviewers. The repeated complaints that we didn't include one single book are grating and verge

It's some of my favorite Hickman stuff in ages, I keep trying to force it on people without really remembering not everyone wants something that heavy.

Trust me, it's been given probably a dozen shoutouts already.

Covered in last year's list and we don't do repeats.

When he proves he can write something other than "slightly crazed, grieving, middle aged+ white man having problems and lots of flashbacks to his mistakes" I'll happily start reading his stuff again.

The questions were "Where do I start?" and "Can I start with Faith?" The answer is emphatically "Start with Faith, yes!" If you're going to be pedantic, at least do it right.

Sending hugs over wifi. I applaud you for taking care of yourself, it's rough. Let me know if I can do anything, you've got my email.

Oliver literally covered it 5 days ago.

Yuuupppppp. This is my Moonlighting (I will one day be as awesome as Cybill Shepherd), and I love the hell out of it, but I'm so far behind on stuff that I read for fun because I'm always reading for work.

Black Monday Murders (assuming that's what you're talking about) is freaking AWESOME. 100% agreed. But it really did suffer for coming out so late in the year and having so few issues.

We were all given a set number of books and a set number of words. I get that you're disappointed that it wasn't included, but no one wants to read a 10k word list from us, no matter how much you think you might enjoy it. Vision was in my top 15, but not my top 8, and I suspect it was the same for the other

But your "opinion" directly contradicts fact, not to mention itself. You complained that a) we didn't cover the mainstream and b) didn't cover anything that wasn't Image, then c) stated that Image was mainstream. For the record, I agree with you there since based on sales alone they're up there with DC and Marvel.

American gun fetishism is a hell of a drug.

Both were on last year's list and we avoid repeats.

It was in 2015's list and we avoid repeats.