
For what it's worth, that is where I think the book is going. That's why I mentioned Animal Man and used the word breakdown: Scott is clearly trying to deal with his own failing mental health AND saving the world at the same time.

Do do know she doesn't draw Southern Cross, right? She does the covers, Andy Belanger does the interiors.

You are legitimately the first person I've heard say this.

THANK YOU. And big chunks of the animation felt SUPER rushed. It helped to keep in mind it was meant to be a movie that got split into multiple TV episodes, but still. Not fun.

Fucking THANK YOU. Everybody in the comments, including GWEN, arguing she's not a homophobe. Christ.

Shockingly, people can be upset about multiple things at the same time. I can be pissed about people being passively, verbally homophobic AND being physically, violently homophobic, because they're related problems.

Not approving of that interpretation and having a fit because of that interpretation are two different things. If she'd simply said "nope" and moved on, fine. But she threw a fit, like Anne Rice did back in the day, and THAT is homophobic.

What she wrote isn't' what other people read, though. That's the crux of the issue. Canonical text isn't the same thing as valid text, it's just PART of all the various interpretations that are valid.

Authors aren't, but Gwen also isn't allowed to say that the author's interpretation is the only valid one. People can interpret things however they want, and Hinton's reply to the suggestion that her characters might be gay IS ABSOLUTELY homophobic. She could have replied the way Mark Hamill always does when people

Death of the author is a real thing. Intent of the author doesn't miraculously hand-wave away how readers interpret books, she doesn't get to be the end-all-be-all for her books. The second the book leaves her hands, interpretations and readings are completely out of her control. And her response ARE homophobic.

I saw Derrington's post about it on Instagram and can't WAIT to see how he draws Barda.

I love diving into the comments with y'all, so I'm absolutely happy to reply.

In a cage match our editor would be the winner. No question.

I freaking loved that comic so much.

To be fair, Zainab used to be on the comics panel with me and Oliver. She's nominated for a zine that's got folks like David Brothers (from Image) in it, so that's got a lot of name recognition. And WWAC is a pretty big name when you play inside baseball, even if it's know well known beyond that.

I'm not going to address every single point of your statement because it seems like you've pretty much made up your mind about what I read, but I do want to say: 75% of my 30+ title pull list is DC, most of the rest is Image/Valiant/Dynamite/Dark Horse/etc. I'm certainly not exclusively an indie person and I have no

Yeah, I wonder sometimes if I should announce that? Like, hi, I'm the person up there when you scroll up.

I wonder why you say that of him and not the rest of us, given that we ALL do this?

The Pride and Beyond are both available digitally from their respective websites and on Comixology.