
She's a Robin.

Your (active reader) version of the character is very different than the pop culture version of the character though. And the joke is meant to be aimed mostly at shitty gatekeeping fake geek guys who are questioning how women write and interact with comics.

Often "Gary Stu" but yup.

Yeah, I'm in the same boat.

And sell better as trades.

Right? I was…surprised to see Narcisse's post on io9 the other day. Then again, he does pay the bills by shitting all over DC so I guess it makes sense Marvel wants to hire him.

But "What do you call a male Mary Sue? Batman when written by someone other than Morrison or Snyder." isn't as easy to say.

That's fair. Honestly I'm still really pissed at him for the Clean Room "cancellation announcement" and the way he writes about Gail Simone.

I was gonna say Alfred, but…no, probably not.

Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur
Invincible Iron Man (Riri Williams)
Ms Marvel
Monstress (Image)
Paper Girls (Image, stars two young WOC, one black)
Saga (Image)
Wicked + Divine (Image, multiple women of color, stars a young black woman)
Bitch Planet (Image, multiple black women)

The "story" has no evidence. Every "article" I've found is a clickbaity, anecdotal account from just a few people with no sources.

Rich is definitely the heart of the issue over there, for me. He's the one that's made the site pretty much synonymous with "click bait", but I often like what Glass does over there (I'm a fan of his in general). I honestly can't bring myself to visit often because I know I'll just get angry and the comments section

I'm one of the few people that liked the New52 Lobo. The first few issues were fascinating and had a great (and diverse) supporting cast, it felt fun and subversive.

He's actually on the right side this time. Rich published a list of "powerful people in comics" that was HUGELY factually inaccurate (including announcing cancellations that aren't happening) and pretty much dismissed Gail Simone as "a nod to attempts to diversify" and said she was drummed out of superhero books/the

Has anyone else been gobsmacked by the tire fire happening around Bleeding Cool on Twitter lately?

Bunn is super uneven and tends to bail on things when people don't like what he's doing. I had this conversation on Twitter yesterday, but I've never liked anything he wrote past the first 5 issues. He starts out strong/subversive/interesting and it appears he just…blows his load all at once and can't recover.

If you want to get into really diverse specfic that includes some Afrofuturism and some similar stuff from parts of Asia, you should check out Uncanny Magazine. It's a sci fi/fantasy literary magazine that just won the Hugo award for last year's run and they've got some really amazing stuff from writers you may know

I know that feel so well. I'm constantly trying to check myself to make sure I"m not being an unintentional gatekeeper by wishing for things to be the way I like them/characters to be how they were when I first discovered them. It's a hard line to walk, especially when you're dealing with someone as awesome as

The aforementioned Octavia Butler is a good bet. N.K. Jemisin is closer to specfic than Afrofuturism but it's a great read. Nnedi Okorafor is amazing.

There's definitely an uncertainty in him right now that's unsettling. I'm not used to seeing him so completely undone, but I do think it shows an interesting vulnerability. I'm hoping that we see more of that switch to his interpersonal life in the next few issues if Ororo sticks around, and he can go back to being