
I will say it reads better in binges than monthly, which is often an issue with people who are experienced prose/nonfiction writers but new to comics. The pacing is a little uneven, but it smooths out if you just read it in bigger chunks.

I'll admit I'm more of a DC person to begin with, but DC at least has multiple timelines/versions of individual characters running right now that don't ALL feel like a movie tie in. Over on the Marvel side, I can count on one hand the number of books that are being printed and marketed properly that aren't directly

"I get that they're making sure everyone and their brother knows who he is, but it's gotten to the point where he's kind of generic."

I understand, friend, and wish you all the best. You're always free to email if you want/need.

There have been some edits to this volume to make it truer to Wimberly's goals. I think it reads smoother, honestly.

Wait for real? Holy shit.

I'll get ALL the ring colors.

This has been a shit week, friends. Y'all know I love diving down here with you when I can, I routinely say that this is one of, if not the best comments section on the internet. So know that your Comics Auntie is thinking about you and would bake you all cupcakes, if I could.


Not even a little bit, I can't do much more than draw a straight line and have fun with grown up coloring books.

He might get there eventually, but a lot of what might make it look like Sean Phillips is actually Loughridge's colors, not Chater's art. That's the biggest problem with the book, to be frank.

Not sure where you're getting Allred feels from? Chater uses much thinner lines and sketchier shapes, they're sharper and more reliant on a colorist to distinguish between different parts of the page. Allread, even without his wife/colorist, has a pop art sensibility, smoother and more distinct.

I love that turn of phrase.

There isn't one, since it doesn't happen often enough.

This exactly.

I'll protect you, PG. Me and Shulkie will act as human shields. :D

Intent isn't magical, sadly.

YMMV of course but I don't think all of them did that. I remember liking the Blue Beetle one a lot, and Aquaman was great, though I remember not loving the art for some reason.

I disagree with this statement 100%.

You are welcome to your (wrong) opinion.