
I think theoretically it's still happening but I'm already burnt out on the MCU at this point. I'm holding on for BP and then I'll probably tap out.

Oh I meant more that Marvel is focusing on the Inhumans because they don't have the rights to the X-Men movies so they're de-emphasizing them.

But, but…movies!

Time for new friends.

Has somebody made the "Stop trying to make Ihnumans happen" Mean Girl joke? Because every time someone says Inhumans, I hear Gretchen Wieners saying fetch.

I keep telling people it's like Twin Peaks plus Alien with Sorkin-esque walk 'n talks and if that doesn't sell it I'm honestly clearly talking to the wrong people.

That's what you get when you don't hire any editors.

In fact, I just got salty about Bendis and his return to Jessica Jones over on Paste today, but I'm pretty much salty about Bendis all the time.

Yeah, I rant about Bendis not letting anyone touch his "this is a young POC but they act exactly like a middle aged white guy" bullshit on Twitter all the time.

"Comics will break your heart, kid."
—Everybody who loves comics

Hiring a white (non-US) creator to do a blaxploitation quasi-satire when Marvel was VERY recently lambasted for not having any black artists and two black writers working for them is definitely problematic at best.

Definitely problematic, I hope not outright racist but I'll have to read more of it before I can say anything honestly.

I find it really suspect that an industry veteran didn't understand who was in charge of a project he'd signed a contract to work on. Regardless, the way he spoke to (and about) his editor is enough that I would honestly never want to work with him again, if it were me. His editor is his boss. Doesn't matter why

You're right, I don't think Rucka said anything extensive about it in public. It was fairly dismissive of the whole thing (which I think was the right call on his part.

"Worse" is pretty subjective. Editors have a right to give feedback to artists who aren't giving them what they want, and keep in mind that every book/group of books has a different editor. Rucka himself had a role to play in all of this, too. And there's nothing passive aggressive about having feedback that you

His editor and the writer on the book he was providing covers for gave him feedback (no panties) and when he refused to take the feedback, they cropped one of the covers. After repeated attempts to make it work, he decided that editorial feedback was "censorship" (that's not how that works) and stormed off in huff,

The two publishers consistently putting out books I love right now are Black Mask and Aftershock. Not sure what's in the water over there, but it's awesome.

I really struggle with JH Williams III when he's on interiors, especially when he's on the writing team, too. He gets caught up in these visual loops that, if he doesn't have a strong editor, are both dull and confusing. But pin ups and covers, he's one of my favorites.

I have been tempted to do a Reyes-GR costume the last few years…maybe I'll just do it and come for a visit. :D

DO IT. It was seriously so awesome to not have to do ANYTHING when we got home.